Santeria Religion

In this time anyone caught in the worship of native gods would be punished and many times by death, Africans and the native Tainos. In order to keep the religion and life, The slaves became "Christianized" at least to the slave owners. The slaves took each African god(Orisha) and renamed them after the saints. Chango the god of thunder became Santa Barbara and they kept the religion in secret. Even today the religion is kept in secret since there is still people who see it as devil worship when it's not.
There are hundreds of gods in Africa but within Santeria, many people worship 7 main Orishas. Also represents the planets: Mars, Venus, Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune,Uranus plus the Sun & Moon. Each has his or her own colors, numbers, foods, herbs, so on. Jesus would be Olodumare or Olofin, Olorun. He would have no sacrifices, his day is Thursday and his color is all combined.
Sacrifices is a part of Santeria, Animal as well as foods and Chances are that within your home or relative's home, You have seen the 7 day glass candles in different colors and with pictures Of the saints. Maybe a cup with old coffee and a dish full of change. Or you light candles for your dead family since we as Puerto Ricans have What is called "ancestor worship" which can be found in the African & Taino culture. We pray to our dead for help and guidance and protection. This is Santeria and Taino beliefs and not Christian beliefs.
What is Santeria?

Santeria isn't just about magic or voodoo, These people are the people we go to when we are sick. They know what herbs gives what effects, This is something in the African & Taino culture as well. To the church it is looked at as bad and even evil. Within the church, There is no herbs and only Jesus is the one you pray to and not the Virgin or Lazarus.
Every Puerto Rican and Latin knows to pray to Lazarus is to pray for money. This is not a Christian or Catholic belief. So in many ways we still keep our pre-Christian beliefs with us without knowing where we get them from. The Virgin brings miracles...San Jose protects her and all Virgins St. Christopher protects while we travel.
Orishas (gods)
Elegua - a.k.a. "Holy Child of Atocha" Day of week: Mondays and 3rd of each month Number: 3 Color: red & black , his beads or Ilekes would be 3 red, 3 black over and over until you have the length you want. Sacrifice/Animal: roosters & goats Foods to offer him:smoked fish, yams, sugar cane Herbs: avocado leaves, coffee, guava, mint, coconut husk, black eyed peas, crowfoot, dried rose buds. Elegua - is the god of the dead or underworld and is know to play tricks on people and is the god whom protects your home. Always at the "crossroads" like to be at the cemetery & Funerals

Initiation People who practice Santeria are to go through an initiation period. For this you would go to a Babalu who would perform this for you. You become a child and an Orisha is chosen for you who protects you. You will learn all the secrets of the particular Orisha. The Babalu will consult the Orishas through the use of cowry shells. There will be an animal sacrifice for this ritual and it's not cheap. You'll be given a "Godfather" and "Godmother" who are people within the Santeria community, They will guide and instruct you as to your rituals and be there for you in time of need.
Books to read: although there are many on this subject. Look for books by Migene Gonzales-Wipper, she has many Santeria books As well as a Boricua herself. What is Santeria? by Orisha Net Santeria by Wikipedia Visual Ethnographic exploration of the Afro-Caribbean religion of Santeria as it exists in my experience as a Puerto Rican - American woman from New Jersey
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