Monday, October 21, 2024

How to Get the Health Care You Want and Need

 [caption id="attachment_19532" align="alignnone" width="640"]Older Adults speak out about healthcare Home caregiver helping senior woman to walk[/caption]

Older Adults Speak Out About Aging

(Family Features) Older adults in America often face a harsh reality when it comes to health care. While Baby Boomers are living longer than prior generations, they are more likely to struggle to get the care they need due to financial challenges, hard-to-navigate health insurance coverage and widening gaps between who receives high-quality care and who doesn’t.

They’re now speaking up about how the health care system isn’t listening to them. Older adults want care that adds life to their years, not just years to their life, according to research from Age Wave and The John A. Hartford Foundation. Just 1 in 10 older adults surveyed gave the U.S. health care system an “A” grade, and 4 in 5 (82%) said it is not prepared for the evolving needs of America’s aging population.

“The United States is on the brink of an age wave of unprecedented proportions, and American health care requires a radical and immediate rethink to match our health spans – being able to live every year to its fullest – to our lifespans,” said Ken Dychtwald, founder and CEO of Age Wave.

Older adults’ top concerns include:

  • Health span matters more than lifespan: 97% of older adults agree being healthy means being able to do the things they want to do throughout their lives.
  • Affordability: 68% of older adults are concerned about being able to afford future health and long-term care needs like nursing home care.
  • Talking about what matters: More than 40% of older adults who have a health care provider are not being asked what matters to them regarding their health by their clinicians.

“It’s important for people to know they can demand age-friendly care,” said Terry Fulmer, president of The John A. Hartford Foundation. “Clinicians can make changes to better provide care that’s based on what matters most to their patients. It’s a win-win for older adults and providers.”

3 Ways to Get the Care Older Adults Need

Older adults who receive age-friendly care, or care that prioritizes their preferences, are more likely to report having a good health span than those who do not. They’re also more likely to remain socially and physically active and follow a healthy diet.

There are tools to help older adults get age-friendly care:

  1. Check if local care providers offer age-friendly care, and if they don’t, ask “why not?” Age-friendly care is offered in more than 4,000 care settings across the country. Use an online tool to find an age-friendly hospital or practice at org/agefriendly.
  2. Talk to clinicians about care preferences using the 4 M’s.
    • What Matters: As people age, their care needs may change. Use an online guide to identify health priorities and start discussions with care providers.
    • Medication: Ask about the side effects of prescriptions using a tip sheet.
    • Mind: Learn about the signs of memory decline and what to do about it.
    • Mobility: Create an activity plan to help you keep moving and stay healthy.
  3. Learn more about age-friendly care.

For more information about how older adults view health care and resources to get needed care, visit

Photo courtesy of iStock

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Why This Mom is Advocating For Flu Vaccination


(BPT) - Like many seven-year-olds, Kaden Stevenson was active and healthy, enjoying martial arts and soccer. When Kaden's mom Michele noticed he wasn't his usual energetic self, she assumed he might have a cold or stomach bug. But after four days of rest, he was getting worse, and he was starting to complain that his right leg hurt. As soon as Michele noticed swelling in his leg and the rash all over his body, she took him to the emergency room.

Kaden was airlifted to a children's hospital where a pediatric orthopedic surgeon could relieve the pressure in his leg. He was diagnosed with influenza A and strep. As a complication of influenza, bacteria had entered Kaden's bloodstream, causing him to go into toxic shock. In addition to being at risk of losing his leg, Kaden's heart, liver and kidneys were failing.

Kaden spent two weeks in pediatric intensive care, where Michele learned her son would need both legs amputated due to the infection in his bloodstream. He’s lucky to have survived the ordeal. "I thought I might lose him," said Michele.

Kaden has learned to thrive with his new "robot legs," and his family is grateful for the medical team who helped save his life. Michele learned firsthand how critical it is to prioritize annual flu vaccination, and she wants parents to understand the importance of getting their children over 6 months of age to get vaccinated against the flu every year.

"Pay attention to your kids, because it's easy as parents to think we know it all," said Michele. "You know your child, but when they're young, they don't always know how to express themselves. Don't assume you can fix everything on your own."

Boy in a wheelchair smiling and holding a prosthetic leg over his head.
Both of Kaden’s legs were amputated due to flu complications.

Not the common cold

Influenza, or the flu, is different from a cold. Most people who get flu will recover in a few days to less than two weeks, but sometimes flu can lead to complications (such as pneumonia) which can lead to hospitalization and death.1

Flu may impact each person differently, but symptoms can appear suddenly and include fever (or feeling feverish/chills), cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, muscle or body aches, headaches and fatigue.1

The flu is very contagious. People can begin spreading flu to others one day before symptoms start, and up to a week after becoming sick — and some, especially young children, might be contagious to others for even longer.2 Flu viruses are spread mainly by tiny droplets made when people with flu cough, sneeze or talk.2 Getting a flu vaccination annually can help prevent the flu for both you and your family.

Who may experience flu complications

Flu can impact anyone, of any age, race and gender2 — even people who feel healthy — and serious problems related to flu can happen at any age.2 However, some people are at higher risk of developing serious flu-related complications if they get sick,2 including people 65 years and older, people with certain chronic health conditions (such as asthma, diabetes or heart disease), pregnant women and young children.2,3

Vaccination is especially important for people across diverse racial and ethnic minorities, who may also be at higher risk for getting flu or developing serious illness.4 From 2009-2023, flu hospitalization rates have often been higher among Hispanic, Black, American Indian or Alaska Native adults.4 One issue is that people from some racial and ethnic minority groups face barriers to healthcare in general and, specifically, lack easy access to vaccination.4

When and where to get protection

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the best way to protect against flu is for everyone 6 months and older to get vaccinated annually.2,5 If you don't have insurance or a primary care doctor, ask your local pharmacist about flu vaccination.

Protecting your family is crucial during flu season — October through May — peaking between December and February.6

"The best way your family can stay healthy is by getting a flu vaccination, ideally by late October," said pharmacist and GSK vaccines educator Dr. Leah Smith. "Vaccination doesn't mean you'll never get the flu, but it can lessen the severity of symptoms and prevent flu complications."

If you or a family member is unable to get vaccinated until November or later, vaccination is still recommended, because the flu typically peaks in February, and significant activity can continue into May.5

Getting flu vaccinations is typically quick and convenient, so you can help protect your family from the flu with minimal time commitment. Some locations like your local pharmacy may accept walk-ins. Vaccinations are usually free for people with medical insurance, including Medicaid, Medicare, ACA plans and private plans.7 Flu vaccinations are offered in healthcare settings including doctor's offices and clinics, but you can also get vaccinations in places like pharmacies, urgent care clinics, college health centers and some schools or workplaces.8

Ask your pharmacist or doctor about getting your flu vaccination this season. Learn more about flu prevention at

1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Flu Symptoms & Complications. Available at: Accessed July 22, 2024.

2 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Key Facts About Influenza (Flu). Available at: Accessed July 24, 2024.

3 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. People at Higher Risk of Flu Complications. Available at: Accessed July 24, 2024.

4 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Health Equity and Flu. Available at: Accessed July 24, 2024.

5 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Prevention and Control of Seasonal Influenza with Vaccines: Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices — United States, 2024–25 Influenza Season. Available at: Accessed August 30, 2024.

6 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Flu Season. Available at: Accessed July 24, 2024.

7 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. How to Pay. Available at: Accessed July 24, 2024.

8 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Key Facts About Flu Vaccines. Available at: Accessed July 24, 2024.

Friday, October 18, 2024

Home Insurance and Hurricane Preparations


Hurricane Damage in the Billions

The violent winds, rains and storm damage from hurricanes can devastate communities and cause billions of dollars worth of destruction. The losses from hurricanes this year alone have surpassed that from almost any other natural disaster in years. The risk to your home and possessions can be enormous and you really should be considering insurance cover for hurricane damage if you live in any area that is exposed to the risk of hurricane. As well as insurance cover however, there are other steps you can be taking to prepare for, and minimize the damage to your property and risk to your family that hurricanes pose.

Since the Atlantic hurricane season in June and continues through till the end of November, there is a significant of the year during which you should be in some way for hurricane threats. Some of the preparations below will be required by insurance policies, others will not but are still helpful to you and your family. Some of them may even be able to bring down your insurance policy price as the insurance company recognizes that you are safer than you otherwise would be and are therefore less likely to be making a claim.

Be Prepared

First of all you should be familiar with the terms of your insurance policy and any disaster preparedness and response plans they have. These will help you in the case that disaster does strike or you find yourself in need of making a claim.

If you think you may need to evacuate your area, you should contact the appropriate authorities before hand to know what those requirements will be. You should have a plan formulated in advance and if there are shelters nearby you should know where they are and how to get to them.

Hurricane Supply Kit

Keep supplies such as food, water, gasoline, portable radios and batteries stored somewhere safe so they will be available to you in the emergency. Several flashlights with extra batteries should be included. Copies of important identification and insurance documentation would also be useful in certain situations to speed up applications in the event that wide spread devastation occurs. Medical supplies such as aspirin and aspirin free painkillers, antacid, bandages, gauze and disinfectant are also useful.

While insurance is a very important step you should be taking to protect your possessions and family in the event of disaster, there are many other steps you can take to prepare for the situation also.

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Boricua Giannina Braschi’s New Book Putinoika


Boricua author Giannina Braschi’s new book Putinoika is an epic tragicomedy of the Trump and Putin Era. Inspired by ancient Greek tragedies, Putinoika unfolds in three-parts: Palinode, Bacchae, and Putinoika. In a world flooding with collusion, delusion, and pollution, hope not only stands its ground in Putinoika, but it elevates us to higher realms with exhilarating new literary forms, poetic expressions, and a renewed faith in creativity. Putinoika insists that poets, philosophers, and lovers have the capacity to create on a scale greater than society’s capacity to destroy. If Waiting for Godot is a threnody of hope in the atomic age, Putinoika is the “Invictus” we didn’t know we were waiting for after the global pandemic.
Publisher:        Brown Ink, a new imprint of FlowerSong Press, curated by Frederick Luis Aldama
Illustrators:      Rosaura Rodríguez and Omar Banuchi of Días Cómic; Roi du Lac

ISBN-10: ‎       1963245784
ISBN-13: ‎       978-1963245783

Available through AmazonFlowerSong Press, or any online bookseller.

Praise for Putinoika

“In Giannina Braschi’s churning imagination, in her exuberant, upwelling, hilarious and mortifying performances of wonderment, howl, synchronic time, ethical insistence, and linguistic swirl, it’s not unusual to find words such as ‘generosity’ and ‘spirit’ leading, in the same sentence, to ‘welfare,’ ‘radiation,’ and ‘tax deductions.’ If, as in Ezra Pound’s translation of Aristotle, the ‘swift perception of relations’ is truly the ‘hallmark of genius,’ it’s in the brightly lit halls of Braschi’s books where poetry is tested and stamped with such a mark. Like her character, Frenzy, she's a provocateur who believes in and pledges her fidelity only to ‘everything that exists.’”—Forrest Gander, Pulitzer Prize-winning poet and Chancellor Emeritus of the Academy of American Poets
“Braschi’s most audacious and electrifying creation yet! This thrilling ride spans from classical Greece to front page news, where the supernatural dances with the mundane. Eccentric, hilarious, and profound, Putinoika is the rara avis of modern literature—a true original that shatters conventions and leaves an indelible mark on your soul. As Tony Kushner gives us Angels in America marking the AIDS epidemic and Perestroika, Braschi gives us Putinas in America amidst the global pandemic with Putinoika. Her fearless storytelling sweeps you off your feet.” —Nuria Morgado, Director, North American Academy of the Spanish Language
“A tour de force of philosophical poetry and poetical philosophy, offering a biting and hilarious denunciation of Trump’s America.” —Madelena Gonzalez, Chair, Anglophone Literature, University of Avignon
“This powerful, funny, profound, wise, crazed book is a wild ride. It is a bomb (a poem?, a novel?, a play?, fiction? essay?, comedy?, drama? all of the above?). It is a meditation on poetry, art, the pandemia, politics, Trump, his wall, the Putinas, the author, Puerto Rico, Oedipus, and Baudelaire. I laughed to tears here and there while the book displays one of the cruelest portraits of our times. Bravo!” —Carmen Boullosa, award-winning novelist and playwright

About the Iconic Puerto Rican Author

Boricua Giannina Braschi writes poetry, fiction, and political philosophy in Spanish, Spanglish, and English. Her epic works include El imperio de los sueños (Empire of Dreams)Yo-Yo Boing!United States of Banana, and Putinoika. The Library of Congress calls Braschi “cutting-edge, influential, and even revolutionary,” and PEN America recognizes her as “one of the most revolutionary voices in Latin America today.” Her lifework is the subject of the anthology Poets Philosophers Lovers: On the Writings of Giannina Braschi, edited by Frederick Luis Aldama and Tess O’Dwyer. Braschi has received awards and grants from the National Endowment for the Arts, New York Foundation for the Arts, Ford Foundation, Instituto de Cultura Puertorriqueña, and PEN America—as well as Lifetime Achievement honors from the North American Academy of the Spanish Language (ANLE), Cambio 16 news in Spain, and her native city of San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Terms frequently associated with Braschi include Postcolonial Literature, Latinx Philosophy, Postdramatic Theatre, McOndo, and Post-Boom. She goes simply by poet.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Carretera 566 KM 1.2 Interior Barrio Saltos


4 Bedroom 2 Bath House for Sale Asking $265,000

Orocovis PR 00720


Construction Materials: Block, Concrete
MLSID: PR9108719

  • Single Family Residence
  • Beds: 4
  • Bathrooms: 2
  • SqFt: 1,739
  • Garage Spaces: 2
  • Built: 2006
  • Lot Size: 0.3 acres
  • Heating: None
  • Cooling: None

Wilson Olmeda Aponte


Tuesday, October 15, 2024

New 2025 RAM 1500 | The Strongest Ram 1500 Ever

 The 2025 Ram 1500 continues to solidify its position as one of the premier options in the full-size pickup truck segment. Combining bold exterior styling, a luxurious interior, and an impressive balance of performance and technology, this latest iteration of Ram's flagship truck is designed to appeal to a wide range of buyers, from those seeking workhorse reliability to those wanting luxury and comfort. Here's a detailed review covering the exterior, interior, performance, and overall impressions of the 2025 Ram 1500.

Exterior Design: Rugged Yet Refined

The 2025 Ram 1500 boasts an assertive and modern design, characterized by its bold front grille and sleek LED headlights. The truck maintains its muscular stance, with strong lines running down the sides that give it a sense of strength and durability. This version comes with a redesigned front fascia that offers a more aggressive look, while the wide chrome accents across the grille add a touch of elegance to its rugged persona.

Ram’s attention to detail is evident in the subtle aerodynamic tweaks, such as the sculpted hood and integrated air vents, which not only enhance the truck's performance but also improve its fuel efficiency. Available in a variety of colors, the metallic black finish with chrome touches adds an extra level of sophistication. Large alloy wheels and the lifted suspension create a powerful image, making the Ram 1500 a head-turner whether on city streets or off-road trails.

Interior: Comfort Meets Technology

Step inside the 2025 Ram 1500, and you'll find an interior that rivals many luxury sedans. The cabin is spacious and beautifully designed, featuring high-quality materials that are both durable and aesthetically pleasing. The model we reviewed comes with black leather seating that exudes comfort and class, complemented by wood accents across the dashboard and doors. The craftsmanship is top-notch, ensuring that this truck is as comfortable for long road trips as it is for daily driving or heavy-duty work.

The centerpiece of the interior is the updated 12-inch touchscreen infotainment system. Positioned prominently on the center console, this touchscreen is intuitive, responsive, and loaded with features. It supports wireless Apple CarPlay, Android Auto, and navigation. The truck also features an advanced driver information display that combines digital and analog elements, offering a futuristic feel while maintaining some traditional aesthetics.

The 2025 Ram 1500 does not skimp on convenience features either. Ambient lighting, multiple USB ports, wireless charging, and a panoramic sunroof are available in higher trims. The rear seats offer generous legroom, and with the optional reclining seats and added storage under the rear seats, passengers in the back enjoy the same level of comfort as those up front.

Performance: Power and Precision

Under the hood, the 2025 Ram 1500 offers several engine options to cater to different needs. The base engine is a 3.6-liter V6 with eTorque mild-hybrid technology, delivering a respectable 305 horsepower and 269 lb-ft of torque. For those seeking more power, the 5.7-liter HEMI V8 with or without eTorque is available, pumping out up to 395 horsepower and 410 lb-ft of torque.

For drivers prioritizing towing capacity, the Ram 1500 excels with a maximum towing capacity of 12,750 pounds when properly equipped. The addition of air suspension not only helps with handling heavy loads but also improves the truck's overall ride quality. The 2025 model year also includes off-road-focused features like skid plates, an electronic locking rear differential, and all-terrain tires, ensuring that the Ram 1500 is just as capable on rocky trails as it is on highways.

A new hybrid option is also expected, further enhancing fuel economy without sacrificing performance. Ram is continuing its effort to balance power and efficiency, appealing to buyers looking for both performance and eco-friendliness.

Technology and Safety: Cutting-Edge Features

Ram has packed the 2025 Ram 1500 with a host of advanced technologies. In addition to the massive touchscreen, it includes a heads-up display, 360-degree camera, and adaptive cruise control. The suite of driver assistance features—adaptive cruise control, automatic emergency braking, blind-spot monitoring, and lane-keep assist—makes driving safer and more convenient, whether you're on a long highway drive or navigating a crowded city.

The Ram 1500's infotainment system has been further enhanced with a new voice-activated assistant, making hands-free control easier and more intuitive. With customizable settings for climate control, navigation, and media, the truck’s tech-savvy interior is designed to make life on the road more connected and comfortable.

Overall Impression: The Complete Package

The 2025 Ram 1500 strikes the perfect balance between rugged capability and refined luxury. Whether you need a reliable work truck or a vehicle for family road trips, the Ram 1500 offers versatility in spades. Its bold, aggressive exterior design catches the eye, while the interior provides luxury and cutting-edge technology that make every drive enjoyable. With its wide range of powertrain options, class-leading towing capacity, and a full suite of safety features, the 2025 Ram 1500 continues to set the standard in the full-size truck category.

For anyone in the market for a new truck that offers style, power, and comfort, the 2025 Ram 1500 should be at the top of your list.

Monday, October 14, 2024

Minimizing Tax Liability On Death

 minimizing tax liabilities

What Will Your Tax Liability be?

When we die, most of us leave behind a fairly substantial and intricate web of assets and liabilities, including money, our home and our other possessions. In most jurisdictions, there arises a liability to tax on death that must be borne from the totality of the estate, and this can lead to a significant reduction of inheritance for our loved ones. Having said that, there are a number of ways in which liability to tax on death can be vastly reduced whilst still ensuring sufficient legacies and provisions mortis causa. In this article, we will look at some of the most salient ways in which one can seek to minimize his estate's liability to tax on death, and ways in which careful planning can help increase the legacies we leave behind.

Tax liability on death usually arises through bad inheritance planning, and a lack of legal consideration. Of course to a certain extent it is unavoidable, but with some care and consideration it is possible to reduce liability overall. There's absolutely no point in making legacies in a will which won't be fulfilled until after death and which haven't been properly considered in light of the relevant legal provisions. If you haven't done so already, it is extremely advisable to consult an attorney on minimizing liability on death, and on effective estate planning to avoid these potential problems and to ensure your family are left with more in their pockets.

Ensuring Legacies for Family Members

If you intend to leave legacies to family members of a specific quantity or nature, it may be wise to do so at least a decade before you die, which will ultimately divert any potential legal challenges upon death which would give rise to tax liability. Obviously there is seldom any way to tell precisely when you are going to die, but making legacies at least a decade beforehand avoids any liability that might be attached on death. In effect, donating during your lifetime well before you die means you can still provide for your family and friend without having to pay the corresponding tax bill.

Another good way to minimize tax liability is to get rid of assets during your lifetime by way of gifts to friends and family. One of the most effective ways to do this is to transfer your house to your children during your lifetime, or to move the house into a trust for which you are a beneficiary. This means you remain functionally the owner, but legally, the asset doesn't feature in your estate on death and therefore doesn't attract tax liability. Again, it is of great importance to ensure that the transfer is made well before death to avoid potential challenges and potential inclusion in the estate which would lead to inheritance tax liability.

Careful Planning Needed

Death is a particularly important phase in our lives, particularly in legal terms. The change between owning our own property and distributing ownerless property provides a range of challenges, and the controversial tax implications can cause serious problems. Without careful planning and an expert hand, it can be easy to amass a significant tax bill for your loved ones to bear. However, with the right direction, it can be easy to use the relevant mechanisms to minimize the potential liability to tax on your estate upon death.