Friday, November 22, 2024

¿Qué es la Ley de Transparencia Empresarial?

 Por Nydia Menendez

La Ley de Transparencia Empresarial (la "CTA" o la "Ley") entrará en vigor en unas pocas semanas, el 1 de enero de 2024. Sin embargo, la Ley impondrá nuevos requisitos de información a aproximadamente 32 millones de pequeñas empresas, con importantes sanciones civiles y penales. Por este motivo, es posible que sea necesario actuar de inmediato antes de finales de 2023 para reducir o retrasar el impacto de la LTC en caso de que le afecte.

¿Qué es la Ley de Transparencia Empresarial?

La LTC exigirá a determinadas entidades (denominadas "empresas declarantes") que faciliten información sobre las propias empresas, sus "beneficiarios efectivos" y los solicitantes de la empresa (las personas que firmaron los documentos de constitución y formación para crear la entidad). A efectos de la LTC, los beneficiarios efectivos no son sólo las personas que muchos considerarían propietarias de una entidad. Por el contrario, un beneficiario efectivo también incluye a cualquier persona física que, directa o indirectamente, (i) ejerza un "control sustancial" sobre una sociedad declarante o (ii) posea o controle al menos el 25 por ciento de las participaciones de propiedad de dicha sociedad declarante.

Hay muchas frases clave en esta definición, como "directa o indirectamente", "control sustancial", "posee o controla" y "participaciones". Cada uno de estos términos se define en la norma final de la FinCEN, y en general da lugar a una serie de normas muy amplias destinadas a incluir al mayor número posible de personas que podrían influir potencialmente en el funcionamiento de la entidad.

¿Cuándo deben informar las empresas?

Las empresas que existían a 31 de diciembre de 2023 deberán presentar el informe inicial a más tardar el 1 de enero de 2025. Sin embargo, las entidades constituidas a partir del 1 de enero de 2024 deberán presentar el informe a más tardar 30 días después de su constitución. Dado que 30 días es tan poco tiempo para recopilar toda la información requerida, debería considerarse la posibilidad de constituir las entidades previstas para principios de 2024 no más tarde del 31 de diciembre de 2023, con el fin de ampliar el plazo de presentación de informes.

¿Cómo se deben tramitar los informes?

Cada empresa declarante debe presentar su informe inicial en línea al FinCEN. El sistema de presentación segura (Beneficial Ownership Secure System o "BOSS") estará disponible a través de un portal de presentación en línea del FinCEN a partir del 1 de enero de 2024.

¿Qué información debe declararse?

El reporte inicial debe incluir información muy específica, como el nombre legal completo y cualquier nombre comercial de la empresa declarante, una dirección completa de la empresa declarante y el número de identificación fiscal de la empresa declarante. Cabe señalar que una dirección de apartado de correos o la dirección del abogado que constituyó la entidad no será una dirección aceptable. Además, el informe debe incluir información detallada sobre cada beneficiario efectivo y cada solicitante de la empresa: nombre legal completo, fecha de nacimiento, dirección residencial actual completa, un número de identificación único de determinados documentos oficiales de identificación gubernamental (por ejemplo, pasaporte válido o permiso de conducir expedido por el gobierno), y debe cargarse en el portal una copia del documento utilizado. Por último, la empresa declarante debe certificar que la información declarada es veraz, exacta y completa.

¿Existe alguna excepción?

Sí. Hay 23 excepciones a los requisitos de información de la LTC, pero las excepciones se aplican principalmente a las grandes empresas con más de 20 empleados e ingresos brutos superiores a 5 millones de dólares, organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro y empresas que ya están sujetas a normativas importantes. Por lo tanto, estos nuevos requisitos de la LTC están pensados para afectar principalmente a las pequeñas empresas como la suya.

¿Sólo hay que presentar una solicitud?

En realidad, no. ... Para las empresas declarantes creadas antes del 1 de enero de 2024, la declaración inicial debe presentarse a más tardar el 1 de enero de 2025. Y, para las empresas creadas a partir del 1 de enero de 2024, la presentación inicial deberá efectuarse a más tardar 30 días después de la constitución de la empresa.

Además, cualquier cambio o corrección de la información requerirá que la información comunicada se actualice en un plazo de 30 días a partir de cualquier cambio. Por ejemplo, si una sociedad declarante pertenece en su totalidad a A y A se traslada, la sociedad declarante deberá presentar un informe actualizado en un plazo de 30 días a partir del traslado de A. Si A contrae matrimonio (o se divorcia) y cambia de nombre, deberá presentar un informe actualizado en un plazo de 30 días a partir del cambio de nombre. Por lo tanto, además de la declaración inicial, también existe la obligación de actualizar, corregir y notificar cualquier cambio en la información declarada inicialmente. La obligación de declarar es continua.

¿Qué ocurre si no se presentan los informes?

Las sanciones por no comunicar a la FinCEN información completa o actualizada sobre la titularidad real o por facilitar o intentar facilitar deliberadamente información falsa o fraudulenta sobre la titularidad real son considerables. Existen sanciones civiles y penales por infracciones de hasta 500 dólares al día, multas de hasta 10.000 dólares y hasta 2 años de prisión.

¿Qué hay que hacer ahora?

Hay medidas que puede tomar ahora para minimizar o retrasar cualquier posible requisito de presentación de CTA.

En primer lugar, si posee participaciones en entidades antiguas que siguen existiendo pero que ya no sirven para nada, debería considerar seriamente la posibilidad de disolver dichas entidades antes del 31 de diciembre de 2023 y disolverlas formalmente. Estaremos encantados de ayudarle en esta tarea y de analizar con usted los pros y los contras de disolver una entidad concreta. Para las empresas que se disuelvan formalmente el 31 de diciembre de 2023 o antes, no habrá requisitos de información en virtud de la LTC. (NOTA: Una sociedad formalmente disuelta es diferente de una sociedad inactiva).

En segundo lugar, si está considerando crear una nueva entidad y puede hacerlo razonablemente, debería considerar la creación de dicha entidad antes del 31 de diciembre de 2023. Este paso le dará tiempo adicional para completar la diligencia debida necesaria para el cumplimiento del informe de CTA, ya que el informe inicial no debería presentarse hasta el 1 de enero de 2025.

Además, puede tomar medidas para asegurarse de que, en la medida en que usted pueda ser un beneficiario efectivo, o una persona responsable de garantizar que una empresa declarante cumpla con la LTC, disponga de toda la información necesaria para el cumplimiento oportuno.

¿Cómo podemos ayudarle?

Estamos preparados para ayudarle a comprender sus obligaciones en virtud de la LTC y a determinar quién puede ser un beneficiario efectivo. También nos comprometemos a seguir de cerca las actualizaciones de las normas de la LTC y a compartir lo que aprendamos con nuestros clientes y en nuestro sitio web.

Para saber si tiene la obligación de informar en virtud de la LTC, puede realizar el cuestionario de la LTC.

Tomar el Quiz de LTC

Sólo estamos trabajando en el cumplimiento de la CTA para los clientes que contratan formalmente a la empresa para hacerlo. Si desea contratarnos para trabajar con usted en cualquier asunto relacionado con el cumplimiento de las CTA, llame a nuestra oficina al  (954) 963-7220, o envíenos un correo electrónico a

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Filling up an Electric Vehicle? It's Easier Than You Think


(BPT) - What’s holding you back from buying an electric vehicle? You’ve likely heard a lot of myths and misconceptions about electric vehicle ownership, especially when it comes to how you fill it up. However, the truth is that charging an electric vehicle can be simple, convenient and cost-effective.

If you’re on the fence about making the switch, check out these three fueling myths. With this knowledge, you can separate fact from fiction and make an informed decision about your next vehicle.

Myth #1: You can only charge an electric vehicle at a public charging station.

Depending on where you live, you may be concerned about finding public charging stations. However, the reality is that the majority of electric vehicle owners fill up at home. According to a new Ford survey, 88% of electric vehicle owners across the country prefer the convenience and savings of filling up at home with electricity and rarely charge publicly.

If you’re concerned that filling up at home will be complicated, don’t sweat it. The survey also found that 92% of current electric vehicle owners find filling up at home as easy as plugging in their phone. Once you have a charging station installed in your garage, you can plug in your car at night and wake up to a full tank!

Myth #2: A single charge won't get you where you need to go.

Early electric vehicles were limited by range, but newer models have more than enough fuel to get you to and from work, school, the grocery store and more. For example, Ford offers electric trucks and SUVs with over 300 miles of range.

If you’re skeptical whether that’s enough to get you around town, consider this: According to Ford, the average vehicle in America travels more than 150 miles in a day just four times per year. So, if you are planning a longer trip, you might have to stop at a public charging station, but you’ll have more than enough for your daily drive on a single charge.

Myth #3: Charging an electric vehicle is expensive.

Filling up with electricity is often more cost-effective than filling up with a tank of gas. In fact, Consumer Reports found that electric vehicle owners spend 60% less to fill up compared to traditional gas-powered cars.

Why? Electricity prices are typically lower than gas prices. Also, electricity prices are more stable than gas prices. As an electric vehicle owner, not only will you avoid weekly or monthly trips to the gas station, but you’ll also avoid the sticker shock of fluctuating gas prices.

Go electric with confidence

Are you ready to go electric? If so, check out the new Ford Power Promise.

Ford wants to make electric vehicle ownership easier by directly supporting owners and car shoppers in the areas that matter most, starting with the most important — charging. For a limited time, Ford is offering a complimentary home charger and standard installation, so you can switch to an electric vehicle with confidence. Simply plug in at night, just like you do with your phone, and wake up with a full tank.

The Ford Power Promise also includes:

  • Ongoing support and guidance: With 24/7 electric vehicle support and roadside assistance with proactive charging support, Ford has your back.
  • On-the-road charging: Ford makes charging on the road easy, now with access to more than 15,000 designated Tesla Superchargers with the available Fast Charging Adapter.
  • Battery confidence: Ford offers an 8-year, 100,000-mile warranty on its electric vehicle batteries.

To learn more about Ford electric vehicles and the Ford Power Promise, visit

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Plan for a Secure Financial Future


(Family Features) A bumpy economy and rising cost of living have Americans rethinking their finances.

In fact, about 36% of households feel anxious about their current financial situation, according to the Financial IQ Study by World Financial Group.

Although short-term pressures and demands can make it difficult, developing a financial strategy based on both literacy and resilience is key to establishing a solid financial future. To many, financial literacy and financial resilience mean the same thing. In fact, financial literacy refers to knowledge, while resilience means you are more likely to be prepared for unexpected financial events.

Wondering where to start? Here are some tips to help build a more financially sound future.

Review Your Current Financial Situation

Having a firm grasp on your current income and expenses can provide insight into adjusting your finances to reach your goals. Most households believe the day-to-day cost of living is a key short-term financial priority. While meeting your immediate needs is essential, so is planning for the future. Determining what money is coming in and what you owe each month tells you how much is left for discretionary spending and saving.

Start Saving Now

It’s never too early to start saving. Even a modest amount set aside every month will grow into a more meaningful account balance over time. A common rule of thumb is 20% of your overall income. You can stretch your income further by taking advantage of options like employer retirement savings programs that deduct funds before taxes, especially if the employer matches your contributions.

Consult a Financial Professional

You don’t have to be a financial whiz to create a smart plan for your future. Financial professionals can help design a strategy tailored to your specific needs. They specialize in helping individuals and families find financial confidence through life insurance, retirement and wealth-building strategies. You can take a financial literacy quiz to assess your financial resilience and measure your readiness to withstand economic challenges.

Prepare for Unexpected Expenses

Unexpected events can have catastrophic impacts on household finances. For example, leaving the workforce early due to illness could mean years of lost earning power, which could impact your short- and long-term priorities. Other examples, like unplanned home repairs or medical expenses, can also make a major dent in your financial plan. Creating an emergency fund, separate from a savings account, can help offset the impact of unexpected expenses.

Safeguard Your Family

Losing a family member can bring much more than heartbreak, especially if that person’s income factors heavily into the household budget. However, different types of life insurance are designed to help safeguard your finances and can accommodate different budgets and lifestyles.

Term life insurance offers individual life insurance protection for a specified number of years. It’s usually less expensive than permanent insurance with the same face value. Permanent life insurance, including whole-life coverage, remains in effect until the policyholder’s death as long as premiums are paid. Most permanent life insurance policies also offer some type of savings component that builds cash value over the life of the policy.

Learn more and test your literacy and financial resilience at

Photo courtesy of iStock
World Financial Group

Monday, November 18, 2024

Yoga Versus Pilates And Which Should You Choose?


While both yoga and Pilates take an integrated mind-body approach to fitness and well-being, their origins, approach to these objectives and methods differ greatly.

The emergence of mind-body classes like Pi-Yo and Yogalates can make it difficult for people to distinguish between the two. Although the two can be pursued as complementary activities or integrated into one style, like Pi-Yo, they are not the same.

It can be beneficial to practice each independent of the other and which one you practice depends on what you want to achieve.



Yoga is a spiritual practice with a physical aspect. It evolved in India 3,000 to 5, 000 years ago. Yogis, people who practice yoga, use breath work (pranayama), physical poses (asanas), meditation (dhyana) and personal practices to pursue the full integration of mind, body and spirit or samadhi. Samadhi refers to attaining the state of enlightenment, bliss, or union with the divine.


Pilates emerged in the late 1900s, introduced to the world by its namesake, Joseph Pilates. Pilates developed his method as part of his efforts to heal himself. He suffered from physical weaknesses, rheumatic fever, asthma, and rickets, during his childhood.

In his efforts to cure himself, he studied Eastern and Western forms of exercise, Greek and Roman exercise practices like wrestling, gymnastics and calisthenics as well as yoga.

How Yoga and Pilates Differ

In general, Western yoga practitioners are most familiar with the physical postures of yoga. Yoga postures, asanas, are only one component of an extensive system of philosophy, spiritual practices, and science.

The poses are intended to build strength in the body and encourage mental focus. The asanas develop and strengthen every part of the body, joints, muscles, organs, glands, bones, and metabolism.

During yoga, the breathing is deep and continuous linked to each movement and asana throughout the practice. Yoga’s extensive and currently exponential growth in popularity in Europe, the United States, and Canada supports the development of a broad range of yoga asana styles, including the more popular styles:

  • Ashtanga
  • Vinyasa
  • Anusara
  • Hot Yoga
  • Yoga Therapy
  • Restorative
  • Chair Yoga
  • Bikram

How Pilates Differs

Pilates differs from yoga in several ways. Both yoga and Pilates focus on integrating the mind and body, but Pilates does not include any spiritual pursuits. It does generally increase practitioners’ sense of well-being, but this is not its primary purpose.

Pilates also takes a less organic approach to movement. All Pilates exercises extend from the body’s core, also called the powerhouse. The powerhouse spans the center of the body from the pelvic floor to the top of the shoulders.

Pilate’s practitioners focus on stabilizing the powerhouse and allowing other limbs to move freely to guide the body through the Pilates regimen of movements. Pilates also incorporates the use of exercise machines to offer support and take muscles through their full range of motion with optimal levels of extension and contraction.

During Pilates, the breath is coordinated with the execution of each exercise. The primary focus of each move in Pilates is perfect execution, versus repetition of any particular move.

The Mindfulness Element Of Yoga

Overall, yoga offers more than 60 different health benefits for mind, body, and soul. It reaches into every aspect on one’s life and goes way beyond fitness and physical achievement.

For example, the mindfulness approach taught in yoga that is not a part of Pilates helps one to improve many elements of life, including weight loss where getting in touch with the true needs of the body, such as hunger helps to reduce incidence of emotional eating or eating for any other reason but hunger.

The mindfulness aspect of yoga can be viewed as “life skills” training. In addition, this training can help deter many emotional and mental health problems, and the associated physical manifestations that result from them.

Mindfulness during yoga brings calm and peace to your mind, body, and life. Through the process, you become more in touch with how you really feel, and that includes symptoms of stress. Such a heightened state of awareness allows you to better manage the triggers and affects that stress can have, thereby allowing you to avoid its serious health complications.

Many scientific studies have demonstrated the practice of mindfulness to have impressive and wide reaching benefits, including: 

  • Greater sense of well-being
  • Stress and anxiety reduction
  • Better mood
  • Reducing risks for depression
  • Better immunity
  • Better social relationships
  • Improved cognition, memory and focus
  • Improved awareness of oneself
  • Improved ability to make decisions
  • Improved sleep
  • Reduction in chronic pain
  • Lower blood pressure and reduction in risk for heart disease
  • More enjoyment of life in general
  • Overall improvement in quality of life

Why Choose?

While yoga and Pilates provide similar benefits, a strong and toned body, endurance and a sense of well-being, their end goals differ.

  • Pilates focuses on strengthening and rehabilitating the body for optimal physical health; the mind or will is employed to achieve this goal.
  • Yoga's physical postures and breath exercises strengthen the body and discipline the mind in preparation for meditation and spiritual evolution.

In short, Pilates is outwardly focused and yoga is inwardly focused.

Making the choice between doing Pilates and practicing yoga comes down to one of intentions. If the intention is simply to form a strong and balanced body, Pilates will serve.

If the intention is to achieve a strong and balanced physical body while gaining mental and spiritual benefits, pursue yoga.

If both outcomes seem like something you would like to experience, try them both and see which one you find most accessible and beneficial. It just may turn out that you are not willing to let either one go.

Maquinas Para Hacer Pasteles


Maquinas de hacer Pasteles

Maquina de hacer Pasteles & Alcapurrias: para comprar haga click al botón azul de Shop Now o Comprar. Si vive en PR, el shipping es $20 en vez de $70. Favor enviar mensaje para información.

Maquina de Pasteles & Alcapurrias - Guayadora de Verduras, Sofrito, Coco y Pilar Cafe
Maquina para hacer Pasteles - Pasteles Machine - Maquina Moledora de Viandas

Guayadora de Verduras, Sofrito, Frutas, Vegetales, Coco, Pilar Cafe & Rallador de Queso
(Grater for Vegetables, Coconut, Coffee & Cheese Grater)

Maquina de Moler Vianda para hacer Masa de Pasteles & Alcapurrias
(Automatic Grater Machine for making masa of Pasteles & Alcapurrias)

La mejor maquina en el mercado. Hecho en Puerto Rico.
(The best machine in the market. Made in Puerto Rico.)

Todas las piezas son nuevas. Construida profesionalmente. Calidad Comercial.
(All parts are new. Professionally built. Commercial quality.)

La maquina sale con el guayo mediano (rotitos) pero esta maquina tiene la ventaja que puede ordenar guayos de diferentes perforaciones (rotitos) ya que hay 3 tamaños: Pequeño, Mediano, Grande.



Saturday, November 16, 2024

National Coquito Festival


2024 National Coquito Festival


December 7, 2024 @ 6:00PM — 9:00PM Central Time


Rincon Family Services: 3710 N Kedzie Ave Chicago, IL 60618 


Puerto Rican Arts Alliance
3000 N. Elbridge
Chicago, IL 60618

Coquito (small coconut) is a rich, creamy coconut-based holiday drink with Puerto Rican origins. It is generally made with coconut milk, coconut cream, sweet condensed milk, rum, cinnamon, vanilla and cloves. The National Coquito Festival, in keeping with the mission of PRAA, was established in 2018 to promote and preserve the heritage of this iconic drink – and to draw people together during the holiday season in order to continue to nurture pride in our culture and traditions.

This celebratory holiday festival features traditional food, music and Parandas – with the main event being a coquito competition to find the best Coquito. Most Puerto Rican families have a treasured coquito recipe and they will boast that their Coquito is the best! This event gives volunteers an opportunity to showcase their family recipe in hopes of winning the contest and having official bragging rights for one entire year.

Purchase Your 2024 National Coquito Festival Tickets TODAY!

Join Us for the 7th Annual National Coquito Festival!

This is a fundraising event to support the Puerto Rican Arts Alliance's year-round youth music and arts educational programs.

Ticket purchase includes appetizers, beverages, a complimentary shot glass, Coquito tasting, live "parranda" music, dancing and of course Coquito! Stay tuned for more information. Cheers!

Parking is available via the alley behind Rincon Family Services. There is also ample street parking.

Tickets are $75 in advance, $100 at the door. Capacity is limited.


Friday, November 15, 2024

the Puerto Rican Bar Association of Illinois


The Puerto Rican Bar Association of Illinois (PRBA) is a not-for-profit entity that was established in 1994 to address issues affecting the Latino lawyers and the Latino community.

The PRBA is committed to advocating for diversity in the Illinois bar and among the students and faculty of Illinois law schools; to influence legislation and policies that are relevant to the common interests of Latino lawyers statewide; and to provide a professional and social network and support system for the lawyers, judges, and law students who advocate and share a common interest in diversity within the bar.

The PRBA plans to promote its purposes by championing diversity on the bench, in the bar, in the legislature and in law schools; hosting CLE’s and other substantive seminars that will serve to enhance the legal skills of our lawyers; and encourage the success of the law students.

The PRBA also has also been continuously involved in the Alliance of bar associations in the screening and rating of judicial candidates, who are either attempting to become a Judge for the first time or who are running to retain their position. The PRBA also supports efforts to place more Latinos on the bench so that the judiciary more accurately reflects the community it serves.

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Flan 101

 Back to Recipes

Flan is a traditional Puerto Rican dessert. We've all eaten it and love it. Most of us are a bit weary of the task of making it. But, we are here to tell you it is easy. These are the 'basic' instructions. All that changes are the ingredients.

First prepare the caramel so that it has time to 'set' before pouring in the custard.

The Caramel

The most daunting part of preparing a flan was the caramel. I was always afraid of burning myself or burning the caramel. Preparing the caramel in the microwave is so easy, un guame!

Pour 1 cup sugar and about ¼ cup water in a microwave safe cup. I use a 2 cup glass Pyrex measuring cup. Just stir the sugar and water a bit and microwave on high for about 5 minutes until it reaches the right color. Once 4 minutes have passed keep your eye in the microwave. You need to open the door once the caramel reaches that golden color. If it is not dark enough at 5 minutes, add another 30 seconds, but open the door once the color is right. You are looking to get the perfect color, not too light and not too dark.

Then just pour into the flan pan and swirl to cover the bottom. Always let the caramel set before pouring in the custard. How easy is that?

Next get the 'baño de María' or bain-marie (water bath) ready. I use a large cookie sheet on the bottom, then set a large roasting pan on the sheet. At the last minute you will need to boil some water to pour into the roasting pan. Start water to boil when just before you begin preparing custard.

Now that the mold and baño are ready prepare the flan as per your recipe. see photo on right

Carefully pour the custard into the mold. Cover with foil, sit in the roasting pan, add the hot water to the roasting pan no more than half way up, and bake at 350° for about an hour.

Test for doneness by inserting a wet knife in the center, if it comes clean it's done. Larger flans will take 1½ hours. If the flan does not seem solid in the middle, bake it longer, test again. Remove from the oven and let it cool down to the touch. Refrigerate at least 6 hours before serving.

To serve run a knife around the inside of the mold, cover the mold with a dish that has a bit of a lip to hold the caramel, such as a pie plate. Carefully flip it over and wait a few minutes until the flan has dropped. Carefully lift the mold. (For ramekins use individual saucers).

I often bake my flan ahead 2 or 3 days leaving in in the mold in the fridge. Leaving it in the mold makes it easy to carry out of the house, make sure you put it in an ice chest if you are taking it out. Serve cold.

Good to note here that traditional Puerto Rican flan usually has more than 6 eggs, and turns out firmer than the flan served in the United States. I use 8 - 10 eggs since I am a traditionalist and like to prepare things the way my mother did (she used 10). I add a tablespoon of vanilla for richer flavor.

More eggs means a larger flan and takes a bit longer to cook and it is more solid or firm and not jiggly. It is a Puerto Rican thing. Just add extra eggs and vanilla and that's all, if you like it firm.

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Cooking with Platanos

 The wonderful thing about plátanos (plantains) is that they truly are a versatile food. As a plátano ripens, its high starch content changes to sugar. Plátanos are good at any stage; it just depends on what you want to make. Plátanos are a relative of the banana, but are bigger, less sweet and need to be cooked before they are eaten. Plátanos also keep their shape when cooked, unlike bananas, which get mushy.

Green or "unripe" plátanos are starchy vegetables. They can be used in soups, stews, boiled and mashed. Most Puerto Rican recipes that use plátanos call for green plátanos and need to be VERY green without a hint of yellow.

The next stage of ripeness is when the skin is mostly yellow with a few black speckles. In this stage of ripeness, the plátanos has lost some of its starch and is slightly sweet. Plátanos "amarillos" are usually fried but can be boiled and baked as well. To fry them just peel, slice, and fry.  In Puerto Rico both green and amarillos are served with meals as a side dish.

If you need ripe plátanos and only have green ones, they ripen at room temperature, out of direct sunlight, in a few days.

When peeling plátanos, moisten hands and rub with salt to prevent the juices from sticking to your hands.

Cut off about 1 inch from both ends as in figures 1 & 2.

Using a sharp knife, make 2 lengthwise cuts at opposite ends of the plátano (fig. 3)

Now drop them in very hot water for easier peeling. Just let them sit in the water for a few minutes or so.

While holding the plátano steady with your left hand, use your right hand to slide the tip of the knife under the skin and begin to pull it away, going from top to bottom. (fig 4).

Soak the peeled plátanos in salted water. Drain on a paper towel to use in your recipe.

In Puerto Rico we also eat green unrippened bananas - the same bananas we get at the grocery store, but still green. We boil them or fry them, and use them in many recipes. The peeling process for green bananas is the same as shown here.


Green Platanos

Did you know that there are over 500 different types of bananas. That means if you ate a different kind of banana everyday, it would take almost a year and a half to eat every one.

Although generally regarded as a tree, this large tropical plant is really an herb. That means it does not have a woody trunk like a tree. The compacted, water-filled leaf stalk is composed of leaf sheaths that overlap each other and grow from an underground stem called a rhizome..

The banana plant can grow as high as 20 feet (or 6 meters) tall. That's as big as a 2 story house. They are the world's largest herb.

Bananas are not just green and yellow, some bananas are red.

Bananas are almost fat free. One banana is about 99.5% fat free! An average banana contains about 90 calories.

Bananas are great source of potassium. Potassium helps build muscle power and keeps your body fluids in balance.

Plátanos are a type of banana that is treated like a vegatable. It is not eaten raw and needs to be cooked.

Plátanos and banana trees can be purchased in plant nurseries. Keep indoors as houseplants. They like moisture and heat. Mist the leaves often.

As the green color of bananas turns to yellow, the starch in the fruit turns to sugar.

To boil plátanos and guineítos verdes . . . .

  1. Cut off the ends and make a lengthwise slit on the banana skin.
  2. Boil without peeling.
  3. Use enough salted water to cover plátanos over two inches.
  4. plátanos should boil for 15 to 20 minutes. Feel with a fork to see if they are ready. You don't want them mushy but slightly hard at the center.
  5. These may be used in cooking or served with olive oil as a side dish.

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Health Benefits Of Dark Chocolate


Everybody has a sweet tooth, and chocolate is a no-fail satisfier. Dark high quality chocolate in particular (not your typical Snickers) has several health benefits that make it a bit more justifiable to snack on!

For many years, chocolate has been viewed as the ultimate comfort food and it has become one of the most popular foods in the world. However, due to the over consumption of this silky, dark, sweet food many health practitioners warn against it. They say that it’s calorie-laden and does little in the way of ‘real’ nutrition.

The question is, though: are there any health benefits to consuming dark chocolate?

Obviously, over-consumption of any food can have a detrimental effect on general health. Recent studies, however, have shown that consumption (in moderation of course) of dark chocolate has many health benefits. So eating about an ounce of dark chocolate every day is actually a good thing!

The first question that many may ask is: why dark chocolate, not milk chocolate?

The reason is that when you compare dark chocolate with milk chocolate, dark chocolate comes out trumps when it comes to nutritional benefit. Dark chocolate has more fiber and nutrients, but less sugars and cholesterol.

It has to be said that, when talking about dark chocolate, we are talking about chocolate with a cacao percentage of 70% and more.

The Main Health Benefits Of Dark Chocolate

  • Lowers cholesterol. In studies, dark chocolate has proven to lower LDL (bad cholesterol) and increase HDL (good cholesterol). As we know, too much bad cholesterol is not good for us. These studies showed that dark chocolate actually provided health benefits when it comes to cholesterol.
  • It’s good for the heart. Perhaps the most well-known reason, dark chocolate is good for the heart. Dark chocolate contains nutrients that are known to help lower blood sugar and increase blood flow. In addition, anything that lowers cholesterol is good for the heart. Some observational studies have showed that dark chocolate can reduce cardiovascular death in men by up to 50%. These aren’t scientific studies, but given that dark chocolate lowers cholesterol and can lower blood pressure, then these findings are significant.
  • It improves your skin. Dark chocolate contains lots of flavanols, which protect the skin against sun damage. Of course, this doesn’t mean that you can do without sun cream! However, it does mean that the flavanols will reduce the damage on the skin due to the sun. Therefore, if you are planning a summer vacation, then you could start increasing your intake of dark chocolate a few weeks before your holiday. In general, dark chocolate has a positive effect on the skin.
  • Can prevent diabetes. Insulin is a word associated with diabetes. Many studies have shown that dark chocolate improves insulin sensitivity. This means that dark chocolate can improve blood sugar levels. Because of its properties it can actually be incorporated in a diabetic diet.
  • It’s nutritious. There are many good aspects to chocolate. Of course, chocolate contains calories – up to 242 per 100 grams. This means that it should be eaten in moderation. However, dark chocolate contains minerals such as iron, magnesium, copper and manganese, zinc, potassium and selenium. It is also a good source of fiber, containing about 11 grams.
  • Good source of antioxidants. Dark chocolate also contains a vast amount of antioxidants, which are great for promoting heart health, decreasing risk of infection, and fighting free radicals in the body. The cocoa tree is one of the best source of antioxidants on the planet. This means that its fruits – the cocoa pods also have antioxidant properties. Many studies have shown dark chocolate to have a higher amount of antioxidants than blueberries or Acai berries.

Although dark chocolate has a higher calorie, fat and saturated fat content than milk chocolate, its health benefits are much higher than milk chocolate. If you consider that dark chocolate has 22% more iron, four times more fiber and 242 grams more theobromine (the alkaloid which reduces blood pressure) per half bar than milk chocolate, then the picture becomes clearer that dark chocolate has many health benefits.

It is also worth considering that dark chocolate has less carbs and half the sugar of milk chocolate and it’s easy to see why dark chocolate has many health benefits.

Dark chocolate is definitely the preferred flavor of chocolate when it comes to those midnight snacks or holiday treats. Just make sure you don’t over indulge!

Monday, November 11, 2024

The Boricua Kitchen | the Modern Puerto Rican Cook


The Boricua Kitchen

A modern Puerto Rican cook should have several different sizes of calderos with lids. These pots are versatile and can be used to cook a lot of other foods besides rice. You can make beans and use them as deep fryers.

Microwave . . . for fast dinners. You can make simple Puerto Rican rice in the microwave. You can cook a frozen pastel in the microwave by popping into boiling water for only 12 minutes on high.

You should have at least one good pilón. How can you make mofongo without one?

Today's cooks don't have much time to spend in the kitchen or time to prep before actually having to cook a meal. Our criollo kitchens should have the following:

Sofrito frozen in ice cube trays and stored in freezer bags. That way you can use one or two cubes and leave the rest in the freezer. The small cubes defrost fast.

Store bought minced garlic. It is better than having to handle all those little pieces yourself. When you need garlic just open the jar and use what you need. The garlic keeps for a very long time and is preserved in oil. One teaspoon minced garlic is approximately 1 garlic clove.

Must Have Essentials

Either store bought or homemade diced onions. Dice them and freeze them. Use what you need and reseal the bag. One small onion measures roughly ½ cup.

Diced and sliced bell peppers, red peppers, and yellow peppers. They keep well in the freezer. Use a freezer bag for diced peppers and one for sliced peppers.


Make sure you press out all the air and seal the freezer bags well to keep the contents fresh. Vegetables and herbs keep in the freezer for about 3 months, no more.

We should also have ready to use pieces of bacon to replace the traditional tocino. Buy large boxes at the grocery store and divide into portion and put in baggies then put the baggies in a large freezer bag. That way they won't be frozen together and you can use what you need.

When you find plátanos verdes, buy plenty and prepare tostones for the freezer. Just process as usual but stop once you have fried them the first time and have mashed them down. Then store portions in baggies and put the baggies in a large freezer bag.

You can do the same thing with ripe plantains. Fry them a bit then cool and freeze. Just make sure than you divide them into portions in baggies before freezing in large freezer bags.

Lots of Fresh Produce

For those who can't find platanos, guineitos verdes, and yautias easily, just buy them when you find them. Grate them and freeze them in 1 or 2 cup freezer bags. Once you have all the ingredients defrost and make pasteles or alcapurrias.

When using plantains and guineitos verdes, cut off both ends, cut a slit lengthwise, then drop them into hot water. This will make peeling a snap!

If you are making pasteles and have left over masa, you can freeze it and use it to make alcapurrias later. And you can freeze left over meat picadillo (stuffing) to make rellenos de papa later, which are delicious even when made with dry potato flakes (a great time-saving short-cut). Or you can save the picadillo for pastelillos de carne.

You can cook the tripe for mondongo in a crockpot overnight or during the day while at work. You can also use the crock pot to boil meats for soups and rice dishes.

For fast and equally delicious arroz con pollo, use canned chicken and chicken broth.

Save leftover rice in the freezer for great tasting Boricua style refried rice. Fry some bacon pieces down (DON'T discard the grease), when the bacon is almost done add diced onions and bell peppers. Then add one or more types of meat, diced into small pieces (steak, chops, chicken). Add the rice last. You'll never throw out left over rice again. You can even use different kinds of rice together like chichen and rice, plain white rice, or yellow rice.

Our pantries should always have short-grain rice (Canilla is a good brand), canned beans to make a quick pot of habichuelas guisadas, tomato sauce, capers, sliced salad olives with pimientos, jars of roasted red bell peppers (pimientos morrones), garlic powder and flakes, oregano, achiote, Sazón Goya, adobo, and cans of beef and chicken broth for great tasting rice. We should also have canned garbanzo beans and gandules, as well as corned beef for "carne bif," plus canned diced tomatoes with and without onions (we prefer Italian style), olive oil, Vienna sausages for great arroz con salchichas, sardines and salmon, boxed bacalao which last a long time in the fridge, plantain chips, ingredients for flan and rum cakes, and dry coconut flakes for besitos de coco.

Are you hungry yet?

Saturday, November 9, 2024

2025 Jeep Wrangler | the Legacy Continues


The 2025 Jeep Wrangler continues its legacy as an iconic off-road vehicle, blending its rugged roots with modern enhancements that make it more versatile than ever. Whether you're an off-road enthusiast or someone who simply enjoys a rugged, adventurous vehicle for everyday driving, the 2025 Wrangler delivers a robust performance, updated technology, and a timeless design that is unmistakably Jeep.

Exterior Design: Classic with a Modern Twist

The 2025 Jeep Wrangler stays true to its heritage, with its iconic boxy shape, round headlights, and seven-slot grille. However, subtle updates give the Wrangler a modern edge without sacrificing its traditional appeal. The exterior features sharper lines and more pronounced fender flares, offering a more aggressive look that hints at its off-road prowess.

Available in both two-door and four-door configurations, the Wrangler continues to offer a variety of top options, including the classic soft top, a more durable hardtop, and the Sky One-Touch power roof, which allows for open-air freedom at the push of a button. The 2025 model also introduces new wheel designs, including off-road-focused 35-inch tires on the Rubicon X trim, making it even more capable of handling rough terrain.

In terms of customization, the Wrangler offers a palette of new colors, including bold hues like Gecko Green and Hydro Blue, further allowing drivers to personalize their rides. Jeep has also updated the lighting with slimmer LED headlights and taillights, giving the Wrangler a sleeker, more refined appearance.

Interior: Practical Yet Comfortable

Stepping inside the 2025 Wrangler, you’ll find an interior that balances durability with comfort. Jeep’s commitment to ruggedness is evident in the washable floors and water-resistant upholstery, perfect for those who like to get dirty on the trails. Yet, there’s no shortage of creature comforts. Higher trims like the Sahara and Rubicon feature leather seats, a heated steering wheel, and automatic climate control.

The dashboard is anchored by Jeep's latest Uconnect 5 infotainment system, available with an 8.4-inch or a massive 12.3-inch touchscreen. The system supports wireless Apple CarPlay and Android Auto, and it’s faster and more intuitive than previous versions. Jeep has also integrated Amazon Alexa functionality, allowing drivers to control smart home devices, check the news, or even shop online, all from the comfort of the Wrangler's cabin.

In terms of space, the two-door Wrangler remains cozy but functional, while the four-door Unlimited variant offers plenty of room for passengers and gear. There’s ample cargo space, especially with the rear seats folded down, making it suitable for both outdoor adventures and urban errands.

Performance: Ready for Anything

The 2025 Jeep Wrangler remains one of the most capable off-road vehicles on the market. Jeep offers several powertrain options, allowing drivers to choose the level of power and efficiency that best suits their needs. The standard 3.6-liter V6 engine provides 285 horsepower and 260 lb-ft of torque, offering plenty of grunt for both off-road adventures and daily driving.

For those who crave more torque, the available 2.0-liter turbocharged four-cylinder engine delivers 270 horsepower and 295 lb-ft of torque, providing strong acceleration and better fuel economy. Jeep also continues to offer the 3.0-liter EcoDiesel V6, which delivers impressive torque (442 lb-ft), making it ideal for towing and low-end grunt on tough trails.

For eco-conscious drivers, the Wrangler 4xe plug-in hybrid returns for 2025, combining a 2.0-liter turbo engine with electric motors to deliver 375 horsepower and 470 lb-ft of torque. The 4xe can travel up to 21 miles on electric power alone, making it a practical choice for both city driving and short commutes, while still being fully capable off-road.

The new model also sees improvements to its off-road systems. The Wrangler Rubicon X trim comes standard with the Rock-Trac 4x4 system, locking differentials, and an electronically disconnecting sway bar for maximum articulation on rough terrain. Jeep also offers Selec-Trac and Command-Trac 4x4 systems, allowing drivers to tailor their off-road capabilities to the environment.

Technology and Safety: High-Tech Meets Tough

While the Jeep Wrangler is known for its ruggedness, the 2025 model comes packed with modern technology to improve both convenience and safety. The updated Uconnect system is faster and more responsive, and it now includes over-the-air updates, ensuring your infotainment system stays up-to-date without a trip to the dealership.

Safety has been a key focus for Jeep in recent years, and the 2025 Wrangler is no exception. It offers a range of advanced driver assistance features, including adaptive cruise control, forward-collision warning, blind-spot monitoring, and rear cross-path detection. These features make driving in urban settings more manageable without sacrificing the Wrangler's adventurous spirit.

The 2025 Wrangler also includes Jeep’s Off-Road+ mode, which optimizes throttle, transmission, and traction settings for specific off-road conditions like sand or rocks, ensuring that even novice drivers can tackle challenging trails with confidence.

Driving Impressions: Off-Road Master, On-Road Comfort

Where the 2025 Jeep Wrangler truly shines is off the beaten path. Thanks to its solid axles, high ground clearance, and advanced 4x4 systems, the Wrangler is unmatched in terms of off-road capability. Whether you’re rock crawling, mudding, or fording through water, the Wrangler’s ability to conquer any terrain is what makes it a standout in its class.

On the road, the Wrangler has come a long way in terms of ride comfort. While it still retains the rugged feel of a traditional SUV, improvements to the suspension and steering make the 2025 model more comfortable for daily driving. The optional adaptive suspension, available on higher trims, smooths out the ride considerably, though the Wrangler’s boxy design and solid axles still remind you that this vehicle is built for off-road performance first.

Conclusion: The Ultimate Adventure Vehicle

The 2025 Jeep Wrangler maintains its status as an off-road icon while embracing modern technology and comfort. Its versatility allows it to transition seamlessly between an off-road beast and a practical daily driver. Whether you’re looking for a vehicle that can handle extreme off-road conditions or you just love the Wrangler’s rugged look and feel, the 2025 model delivers everything you need and more.

With a range of engine options, from fuel-efficient to high-performance, and a wealth of customization possibilities, the Wrangler continues to appeal to a wide audience. The combination of timeless design, enhanced technology, and unmatched capability makes the 2025 Jeep Wrangler a top choice for adventure-seekers everywhere.

Friday, November 8, 2024

What is the Corporate Transparency Act?

 by Estate Planning Attorney Nydia Menendez

The Corporate Transparency Act (the “CTA” or the “Act”) becomes effective in just a few short weeks - on January 1, 2024. Yet, the Act will impose new reporting requirements on approximately 32 million small businesses, with significant civil and criminal penalties. For this reason, immediate action may be required before the end of 2023 to lessen or delay the impact of the CTA should it apply to you.

What is the Corporate Transparency Act?

The CTA will require certain entities (called “reporting companies”) to report information about the companies themselves, their “beneficial owners”, and company applicants (the persons who signed the incorporation and formation documents to create the entity). For purposes of the CTA, beneficial owners are not just the persons many would consider to be owners of an entity. Instead, a beneficial owner also includes any individual who, directly or indirectly, either (i) exercises “substantial control” over a reporting company or (ii) owns or controls at least 25 percent of the ownership interests of such reporting company.

There are a lot of key phrases in this definition, including “directly or indirectly,” “substantial control,” “owns or controls,” and “ownership interests.” Each of these terms is defined in the final FinCEN rule, and generally results in a very broad series of rules intended to include as many people as possible who could potentially influence the operation of the entity.

When Must Reporting Companies Report?

Companies that existed as of December 31, 2023, must file the initial report no later than January 1, 2025. However, entities formed on or after January 1, 2024, will be required to report no later than 30 days after the entity is formed. Because 30 days is such short time to gather all the required information, consideration should be given to forming entities otherwise planned for early 2024 no later than December 31, 2023, in order to extend the reporting deadline.

How Must The Reports Be Filed?

Each reporting company must file its initial report online with FinCEN. The secure filing system (the Beneficial Ownership Secure System or “BOSS”) will become available via a FinCEN online filing portal starting January 1, 2024.

What Information Must Be Reported?

The initial report must include very specific information, such as the full legal name and any trade or “doing business as name” for the reporting company, a complete street address of the reporting company, and the Taxpayer Identification Number for the reporting company. It is worth noting that a P.O. Box address or the address of the attorney who formed the entity will not be an acceptable address. In addition, the report must include detailed information for each beneficial owner and each company applicant: full legal name, date of birth, complete current residential address, a unique identifying number from certain official governmental identification documents (e.g., valid passport or government issued driver’s license), and a copy the document used must be uploaded to the portal. Lastly, the reporting company must certify that the information being reported is true, accurate and complete.

Are There Any Exceptions?

Yes! There are 23 exceptions to the reporting requirements of the CTA, but the exceptions apply mainly to large companies with more than 20 employees and gross receipts in excess of $5 million, non-profit organizations, and companies that are already subject to significant regulations. Hence, these new CTA requirements are intended to affect primarily small companies like yours.

Is There Only One Filing Required?

Not really! … For reporting companies in existence prior to January 1, 2024, an initial filing is required no later than January 1, 2025. And, for companies created on or after January 1, 2024, the initial filing is due no later than 30 days after the company’s formation.

Also, any change or correction of information will require that the information reported be updated within 30 days of any change. For instance, if a reporting company is wholly owned by A and A moves, then the reporting company must file an updated report within 30 days of A’s move. If A marries (or divorces) resulting in a name change, then an updated report must be filed within 30 days of the name change. Hence, in addition to the initial report, there is also an obligation to update, correct and report any changes to the information initially reported. The reporting obligation is continuous!

What Happens If Reports Are Not Filed?

The penalties for failing to report complete or updated beneficial ownership information to FinCEN or willfully providing or attempting to provide false or fraudulent beneficial ownership information are substantial. There are civil and criminal penalties for violations of up to $500 per day, fines up to $10,000, and up to 2 years imprisonment.

What Should You Do Now?

There are steps you can take now to minimize or delay any potential CTA filing requirements.

First, if you own interests in old entities that still are in existence but no longer serve a purpose, serious consideration should be given to unwinding those entities prior to December 31, 2023, and formally dissolving the entities. We would be happy to assist you with this and to discuss with you the pros and cons of unwinding any particular entity. For companies that are formally dissolved on or before December 31, 2023, there will be no reporting requirements for under the CTA. (NOTE: A formally dissolved company is different from an inactive company.)

Second, if you are considering creating a new entity and can reasonably do so, you should consider creating that entity prior to December 31, 2023. This step will allow you additional time to complete the necessary due diligence for CTA reporting compliance because the initial report would not be due until January 1, 2025.

In addition, you can take steps to ensure that to the extent that you may be a beneficial owner, or a person responsible for making sure a reporting company is in compliance with the CTA, you have all the information necessary for timely compliance.

How Can We Assist You?

We are prepared to assist you in understanding your obligations under the CTA and determining who may be a beneficial owner. We are also committed to continue tracking the updates to the CTA rules and sharing what we learn with our clients and on our website.

To find out if you have a CTA reporting obligation you can take the CTA Quiz.

Take CTA Quiz

We are only working on CTA compliance for clients who formally engage the firm to do so. If you would like to engage us to work with you on any CTA compliance issues, please call our office at (954) 963-7220, or send us an e-mail at

Nydia MenedezNydia Menéndez
Estate Planning Attorney
Menéndez Law Firm
2699 Stirling Road, Suite B200
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312
Tel.: (954) 963-7220
Fax:  (954) 963-7232
menedez law firm

Thursday, November 7, 2024

The Historic Charm of Barranquitas Puerto Rico

 Nestled in the lush, mountainous region of central Puerto Rico, the town of Barranquitas is a hidden gem rich in history, culture, and natural beauty. From its founding in the early 19th century to its role in the island’s national identity, Barranquitas offers visitors a glimpse into both Puerto Rico’s past and its living traditions.

Founding and Early History

Barranquitas was founded on June 5, 1803, by Antonio Aponte Ramos, a prominent figure who petitioned for the establishment of a new town to serve the growing population in the region. Situated in the Cordillera Central mountain range, the town’s name is derived from the word “barrancas,” which refers to cliffs or ravines, alluding to the area’s rugged terrain and steep landscapes.

In its early years, Barranquitas was primarily a small agricultural community, where coffee, tobacco, and other crops flourished in the fertile soil. The town's remote location in the mountains initially limited its growth, but it played a key role in Puerto Rican history. Many national figures, including the renowned statesman and advocate for Puerto Rican autonomy, Luis Muñoz Rivera, hailed from Barranquitas, contributing to its significance.

Town Colors and Identity

The official town colors of Barranquitas are green and yellow. These colors reflect the town’s deep connection with its natural surroundings. Green symbolizes the lush, verdant landscapes that dominate the region, while yellow represents the warmth of its people and the bright, sunny skies that often bathe the town.

The town's flag consists of two horizontal bands of green and yellow, with a white cross in the center, symbolizing faith and the unity of the community. The town’s coat of arms also incorporates these elements, featuring a shield with the image of the Holy Cross, highlighting Barranquitas' deep-rooted religious traditions.

Sites of Interest

[caption id="attachment_19723" align="alignnone" width="600"] Luis Muñoz Rivera Birthplace Museum[/caption]

For visitors, Barranquitas offers a variety of cultural, historical, and natural sites that make it an attractive destination.

  1. Luis Muñoz Rivera Birthplace Museum: One of the most significant historical sites in Barranquitas is the Casa Museo Luis Muñoz Rivera, which was the birthplace of the famous politician and writer. He was a key figure in Puerto Rico’s fight for greater autonomy from Spain and later the United States. The museum is housed in the home where Muñoz Rivera was born and raised, offering a glimpse into his life and contributions to Puerto Rican society.
  2. Mirador de Barranquitas: For nature lovers, the Mirador de Barranquitas is a must-see. This lookout point provides breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding mountains and valleys, making it a popular spot for photography, picnics, and relaxation.
  3. Cañón de San Cristóbal: A natural wonder located just outside of Barranquitas, the San Cristóbal Canyon is a stunning 500-foot-deep gorge that attracts hikers and adventure seekers. The canyon is one of Puerto Rico’s most spectacular geological features, boasting waterfalls, caves, and unique rock formations. Guided tours offer an in-depth look at the canyon’s flora and fauna, as well as its historical importance.
  4. Parroquia San Antonio de Padua: At the heart of Barranquitas lies the Parroquia San Antonio de Padua, the town’s main church. Built in the early 19th century, this beautiful structure is an architectural and spiritual centerpiece for the community. The church is named in honor of the town’s patron saint, St. Anthony of Padua, who is celebrated each year on June 13th with a lively feast day, marked by religious processions, music, and traditional festivities.
  5. Plaza de Recreo: Like many Puerto Rican towns, Barranquitas has a charming Plaza de Recreo, or town square, where locals gather for social events, festivals, and everyday conversations. The plaza is surrounded by small shops, cafes, and historical buildings, making it an ideal place for visitors to immerse themselves in the town’s vibrant atmosphere.

Patron Saint and Festivals

The patron saint of Barranquitas is St. Anthony of Padua, a beloved figure known for his teachings and dedication to the poor and oppressed. Every June, Barranquitas comes alive with celebrations in honor of St. Anthony. The town’s Fiestas Patronales (patron saint festivals) are among the most anticipated events of the year, featuring traditional music, food, and religious processions. The festival brings together both locals and visitors in a joyous expression of faith, culture, and community.


Barranquitas may be a small town, but its historical importance and natural beauty make it a standout destination in Puerto Rico. From its early days as an agricultural hub to its current role as a cultural and historical beacon, Barranquitas offers a unique glimpse into Puerto Rico’s past while providing plenty of reasons for visitors to explore its vibrant streets, historical landmarks, and breathtaking landscapes. Whether you’re a history buff, nature enthusiast, or simply in search of an authentic Puerto Rican experience, Barranquitas is a town that promises to enchant.

[location-weather id="19728"]

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

10th Annual Universal Pasteles Contest

 the 10th Annual Universal Pasteles Contest

Saturday Nov. 16, 2024

el Barrio Artspace
215 E 99th Street New York NY 10029
bet. 3rd and 2nd Ave

The 10th Annual Universal Pasteles Contest’s Program 2-9 pm

12-12:30 Contestants Sign-in Pasteles Drop-off. One minute after 12:30 you will be a disqualification

1:30- 1:45 pm Judges arrive for voting instructions

2 pm Doors open for the public

2:30-3:00  Welcoming remarks, Judges' Public Introduction, and Honor walk to the Judges' Tables for the Traditional Pasteles segment.

3:05-4:05 pm The Traditional Pasteles judging begins

4:10-4:30 pm Awardees Presentation

4:35-4:55 pm Judges Introduction and Honor Walk for the Multicultural Pasteles segment.

5-5:30 pm Vegan Pasteles Judging

5-6 pm Judging period and a Singer performance during.

6:15 - 6:45 pm Winners announced awards presented, and photo shoots.

7-7:45 Entertainer(s)

7:50-9 p.m. Continue music and dancing.

9 pm End the day’s Celebration.

Note: Music and dancing will be ongoing during judging…

Puerto Rican pasteles are a holiday tradition that brings families together: 

  • Preparation: The labor-intensive process of making pasteles requires multiple steps and an assembly line approach. Each family member is usually assigned a task, such as grating, mixing, stuffing, or wrapping.
  • Memories: Making pasteles is a time for family to connect, laugh, and share jokes. 
  • Gift-like experience: Unwrapping a pastel is similar to unwrapping a gift. 
  • Special occasion: Pasteles are a classic tradition for holidays and special occasions.
  • Family recipes: Each Puerto Rican family has their own recipe for the masa and filling.
  • Variations: There are many variations on the dish, including using yuca instead of green plantain. 
  • Serving: Pasteles can be served on their own or with sides like rice and beans, escabeche, or roasted pork. They can also be topped with a dollop of hot sauce or ketchup.
  • Freezing: Pasteles can be frozen to eat later, up to the start of Lent. 

Monday, November 4, 2024

Healthy Rican Founder Mayra Luz Colon


At Healthy Rican, we’re on a mission to bring the tasty culture-rich flavors of Latin and Puerto Rican cuisine to kitchens everywhere, while promoting a healthier lifestyle. Born from a deep love for our cultural heritage and a commitment to wellness, Healthy Rican offers an exciting line of all-natural seasonings crafted with the finest ingredients nature has to offer.

At Healthy Rican, we believe that people no longer have to choose between quick ‘n’ easy or healthy. We exist so that healthy eaters no longer have to choose between quick bland meals, or tasty culture-rich dishes. Healthy Rican bridges the gap. Because we all deserve to live a healthy life con sazón!

“We are more than a brand, we are familia.”

Our Story

As a Latina Woman, seeking for healthy alternatives to my favorite foods, I felt underrepresented in the Health, Wellness, and Nutrition world. I couldn’t find much out there that would fit my needs. After studying at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, and learning how food can impact our health, I started re-creating my favorite Puerto Rican foods in a healthy way.

Soon, my friends and family started asking me for my tips and recommendations. That is when I discovered there was a need in our community. I founded my blog as a place where I could share my health and wellness journey, wellness tips, coaching services, resources, and healthy recipes.

Shortly after, I decided to write a cookbook to share not only my recipes, but tips on how to choose healthy ingredients, how to combine food for a healthy digestion, and more. While working on the cookbook it ignited my passion for sharing the love for my culture and its wonderful cuisine. During this journey, I discovered that there weren’t many healthy options for our cultural staple seasonings. Most brands in stores contain artificial ingredients and preservatives. While they may be used for looks and shelf life, they certainly don’t add to our health. Leaving not much room for natural ingredients which provide the real flavor #PuroSabor.

About the Founder

Mayra Luz Colón is a Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach who’s obsessed with superfoods and family meal time. Known as the Nutrition Dork, Mayra is the driving force behind the Healthy Rican brand, bringing tasty Puerto Rican recipes and seasonings to homes everywhere.

Mayra is also the author of the cookbook Healthy Rican: Put the Latin Spice in your Healthy Life! She’s on a mission to banish bland foods and provide tasty alternatives for everyday people who want to eat well.

Mayra’s vision is to serve women stuck in their own health and wellness journey. To teach women how to unlock their true selves while embarking on a complete lifestyle and mindset reset.

Following your heart, your gut, and your wisdom is the key to well-being. Nutrition is a tool to guide us during the process—and Healthy Rican’s nutritious products and motivational services light the way.






Available Products from Healthy Rican

Single Adobo

Single Small
Sofrito Seasoning

Single Sazon

November Horoscopes from


November Horoscopes

November is a month of intense energy and transformation. The Scorpio New Moon on November 1st brings new beginnings and opportunities for growth. However, Mercury retrograde from November 26th onwards may cause communication challenges and delays. Overall, November is a time for reflection, introspection, and making significant changes in your life.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

November sparks a surge of energy, dear Aries! You’ll find yourself motivated to tackle long-standing projects. The cosmos are aligned for breakthroughs in your career. But be cautious—don’t let impulsiveness override patience in relationships. Listen to your partner’s needs. Mid-month, opportunities for travel or study open doors to exciting adventures. Keep your focus on self-care to balance out this high-paced energy.

Taurus (April 20–May 20)

November invites you to reflect, dear Taurus. Relationships take center stage, offering chances for deeper connections. You may be pulled to reassess your values, especially around finances and emotional security. Venus encourages beauty and indulgence, so don’t be surprised if you’re drawn to the finer things in life. Be mindful, however, of overspending. This month is ideal for building long-term plans—lay those foundations now!

Gemini (May 21–June 20)

Curiosity is your keyword this November, Gemini! The stars bring social events and new connections that could open professional doors. Communication flows smoothly, but be careful not to spread yourself too thin. Your wit will be your greatest asset, yet make time for introspection as well. Love is lighthearted but offers depth if you open up emotionally. Keep things balanced.

Cancer (June 21–July 22)

Your home and family life come into focus, Cancer. You’ll feel the urge to nest and create a sanctuary as the cooler months settle in. There’s a shift in your emotional world, helping you confront past wounds and heal. Pay close attention to your intuition, especially when it comes to family matters. This month could bring financial windfalls or opportunities to increase your stability.

Leo (July 23–August 22)

The spotlight finds you, Leo! This month, the universe gifts you with the confidence to lead and express yourself. Creativity is at an all-time high, and you’ll attract admirers both professionally and personally. However, balance is key—don’t burn out trying to be everything to everyone. Love takes on a playful tone, but meaningful connections are possible if you stay open-hearted.

Virgo (August 23–September 22)

November offers you a moment to slow down, Virgo. You’ll be called to reflect on your work-life balance and health. Take time to detox, declutter, and organize your physical and mental space. This month may bring clarity in financial matters, helping you restructure for the future. Love blooms quietly; a practical approach can lead to deeper emotional fulfillment. Trust the process.

Libra (September 23–October 22)

The winds of change blow gently in your direction, Libra. Relationships flourish as you become more attuned to your partner’s needs. If single, this could be the month someone special enters your life. Diplomacy will be your superpower, but don’t lose sight of your own desires. The Full Moon in Taurus at the end of the month could bring clarity around finances.

Scorpio (October 23–November 21)

Happy Birthday, Scorpio! This is your season, and the universe amplifies your passion and determination. You’re magnetic, and others will notice your powerful energy. However, keep an eye on your emotions, as intensity could lead to overreaction. This is a month of deep transformation, whether it’s in your career, love, or personal growth. Embrace the mystery and let your intuition guide you.

Sagittarius (November 22–December 21)

November opens the door to new horizons, Sagittarius. Travel, education, and personal expansion are all highlighted. You’ll feel a thirst for adventure and a desire to break free from the routine. It’s also a perfect time to explore spirituality and your deeper purpose. Relationships take on a philosophical tone, but remember to stay grounded. The end of the month brings clarity around long-term goals.

Capricorn (December 22–January 19)

Capricorn, November focuses on your inner world. This is a time to reassess your goals, finances, and the structures of your life. You may feel the need to withdraw and recharge, allowing space for contemplation. Family or home-related matters may come up, urging you to find balance. By month’s end, new opportunities arise in your career—stay diligent and patient.

Aquarius (January 20–February 18)

Innovation is key for you, Aquarius! November brings a fresh wave of ideas, and your social circle will be buzzing with activity. Collaborations could lead to exciting ventures, so don’t hesitate to share your unique vision. However, be mindful of burnout—schedule downtime for self-care. In love, someone unexpected could make an appearance, offering a refreshing dynamic.

Pisces (February 19–March 20)

Dreamy Pisces, November brings focus to your career and reputation. You’ll feel a creative surge in your professional life, with opportunities for recognition. Be prepared to step into the spotlight! Balance is necessary, though—your emotional and spiritual health also need attention. In relationships, vulnerability will deepen connections, but ensure you’re not overextending yourself. Trust in your intuition as your guide.