Friday, April 5, 2024

April Horoscopes from

 April Horoscopes

April Horoscopes

Welcome to April's cosmic forecast! As the sun transitions through the zodiac sign of Aries, igniting the fiery energies of initiative and determination, let the celestial dance guide you through the month ahead. Explore what the stars have in store for your astrological sign in April's horoscopes.

Aries (March 21 - April 19): Your pioneering spirit shines brightly as you embrace new opportunities with vigor. Trust your instincts and take bold steps towards your goals. However, remember to temper your impulsiveness with patience, especially in matters of the heart. Nurture your relationships with sincerity and understanding. Balance your ambition with self-care to ensure a harmonious month ahead.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20): This month brings a blend of stability and transformation. Embrace changes in your career path with confidence, but be cautious of impulsive decisions. Your financial instincts are sharp, guiding you towards lucrative ventures. In relationships, communicate openly and listen attentively to foster deeper connections. Take time for self-reflection to align your desires with your actions, paving the way for personal growth and fulfillment.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20): Your natural curiosity leads you on exciting intellectual journeys. Embrace new perspectives and opportunities for learning, whether through travel, study, or engaging conversations. Stay adaptable in your approach to challenges, and trust in your ability to find innovative solutions. Nurture your relationships with sincerity and understanding, and don't hesitate to express your true thoughts and feelings. This month offers rich potential for personal and intellectual growth.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22): April heralds a period of emotional renewal and self-discovery. Dive deep into introspection and embrace vulnerability as you explore your innermost desires and fears. Trust your intuition when navigating relationships, but don't be afraid to set boundaries for your emotional well-being. Take time for self-care and nurture your creativity; it's through expressing yourself authentically that you'll find true fulfillment this month.

Leo (July 23 - August 22): This month will ignite your passions and drive for success. Embrace opportunities for leadership and innovation in your career, but remember to collaborate and listen to others' ideas. Your charisma shines in social settings, attracting new connections and strengthening existing bonds. Stay mindful of your financial decisions and avoid impulsive spending. Balance work with leisure to maintain harmony and vitality throughout the month.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22): April encourages you to embrace spontaneity and adventure. Step out of your comfort zone and explore new horizons, whether through travel, learning, or trying new experiences. Trust your instincts in matters of the heart, but also communicate openly and honestly to avoid misunderstandings. Focus on self-care and balance to maintain your physical and emotional well-being amidst the excitement of this transformative month.

Libra (September 23 - October 22): For you, this month brings a harmonious blend of creativity and introspection. Dive deep into your artistic pursuits, allowing your imagination to soar freely. Nurture your relationships with sincerity and empathy, prioritizing meaningful connections over superficial interactions. Take time for self-reflection to align your desires with your actions, fostering personal growth and emotional balance. Trust in the universe's unfolding and embrace the beauty of the journey ahead.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21): This month ushers in a period of transformation and empowerment. Embrace change fearlessly, as it paves the way for personal growth and renewal. Dive deep into your passions and ambitions, harnessing your inner strength to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals. Trust your intuition in matters of the heart, but also communicate openly to deepen your connections. Embrace vulnerability as a catalyst for profound emotional healing and connection.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21): April invites you to broaden your horizons and seek new adventures. Embrace opportunities for travel, learning, and exploration, as they bring profound growth and expansion. Stay open-minded in your interactions, as diverse perspectives will enrich your experiences. Focus on maintaining balance between your ambitions and your need for freedom. Trust in the journey and allow spontaneity to guide you towards exciting discoveries.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19): For you, this month encourages a blend of ambition and introspection. Focus on your career goals with determination and strategic planning, but also make time for self-reflection and spiritual nourishment. Embrace opportunities for deepening intimacy in your relationships, but ensure boundaries are respected. Take care of your physical health through regular exercise and nourishing habits. Trust in your inner wisdom to navigate the month's challenges with grace and resilience.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18): April inspires innovation and collaboration. Embrace your unique perspective and share your ideas with others, fostering creativity and collective progress. Stay open to unexpected opportunities that may lead to exciting breakthroughs in both your personal and professional life. Nurture your friendships and community connections, as they offer support and inspiration. Keep an open mind and embrace change with enthusiasm, knowing it leads to growth.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20): his month brings a blend of intuition and practicality. Trust your instincts as you navigate career decisions, but also ground your dreams with careful planning and attention to detail. Embrace moments of solitude for reflection and spiritual connection, allowing your intuition to guide you towards deeper understanding. Nurture your relationships with empathy and compassion, strengthening bonds through genuine communication and understanding.

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Puerto Rico's Act 22: A Tax Oasis with Mixed Blessings

 tax incentives

Puerto Rico's Act 22, also known as the Individual Investors Act, has become a hot-button topic. Enacted in 2012, the Act aims to stimulate the island's economy by attracting high-net-worth individuals with significant tax breaks. But has it been a boon or a bane for Puerto Rico? Let's dive into the Act's impact and how Puerto Ricans themselves view it.

The Allure of Act 22: Tax Breaks Galore

Act 22 offers substantial tax incentives to individuals who establish bona fide residency in Puerto Rico. These incentives include a 100% exemption on capital gains taxes and interest and dividend income earned from sources outside Puerto Rico. This makes the island an attractive tax haven, particularly for entrepreneurs, investors, and retirees from the mainland US.

The Economic Impact: A Double-Edged Sword

Proponents of Act 22 argue it has boosted the Puerto Rican economy in several ways. Firstly, it injects new capital into the island's financial system. New residents invest in real estate, businesses, and local ventures, creating jobs and stimulating economic activity. Secondly, increased spending by these residents benefits local businesses and the service industry. Finally, the Act generates additional tax revenue through property taxes and sales taxes paid by new residents.

However, critics point out potential downsides. Some argue that wealthy newcomers displace local residents from the housing market, driving up property values and rents, making it harder for Puerto Ricans to find affordable housing. Additionally, concerns exist that Act 22 benefits don't always trickle down to all sectors of the economy, primarily favoring tourism and high-end services.

The Likes: A Glimpse of Hope

Many Puerto Ricans view Act 22 with cautious optimism. They appreciate the potential for economic growth and job creation. The influx of new residents can revitalize struggling communities and provide much-needed investment. Additionally, the Act can attract skilled professionals who can contribute to the island's development.

The Dislikes: Concerns and Skepticism

However, skepticism also exists. Some Puerto Ricans worry about potential gentrification and a widening gap between the rich and the poor. There are concerns that the tax breaks primarily benefit the wealthy newcomers rather than the broader population. Additionally, some question whether the Act attracts genuine residents who contribute to the community or simply tax haven seekers with little interest in Puerto Rico beyond its financial offerings.

The Road Ahead: Finding the Right Balance

The future of Act 22 remains uncertain. The program has been amended in recent years to address concerns and ensure compliance. It's crucial to find a middle ground that attracts new residents while ensuring the benefits reach all Puerto Ricans. Increased transparency and accountability can help ensure Act 22 fosters sustainable economic development that benefits the entire island.

Beyond the Act: A Call for Diversification

Ultimately, Act 22 should be seen as one piece of a broader economic development strategy. The island needs to focus on fostering a diversified and resilient economy that doesn't solely rely on tax breaks. Investing in education, infrastructure, and local businesses can create long-term growth that benefits all Puerto Ricans.


Act 22 presents both opportunities and challenges for Puerto Rico. Recognizing both perspectives of Puerto Ricans living on the island is crucial. Striking a balance between attracting new residents and ensuring local communities thrive will determine the ultimate success of this controversial tax act.

Monday, March 18, 2024

Paradise Lost? Act 22, Airbnbs, and the Struggle for Affordable Housing in Puerto Rico

 affordable housing

Puerto Rico, a vibrant island territory of the United States, faces a complex challenge: a shortage of affordable housing. This issue has intensified in recent years, fueled by two factors: Act 22 and the rise of Airbnb rentals. Let's delve into how these seemingly disparate forces are contributing to the housing crisis in Puerto Rico.

Act 22: A Double-Edged Sword

Act 22, also known as Act 60, is an economic development program designed to attract investors and entrepreneurs to Puerto Rico. The program offers significant tax breaks to individuals who relocate to the island and establish a business there. While Act 22 has undoubtedly boosted the island's economy, it's not without its downsides in the housing market.

Here's How Act 22 can Impact Affordability

Increased Demand: Act 22 beneficiaries tend to have higher incomes. Their arrival creates a surge in demand for housing, particularly in desirable tourist areas. This competition with local residents drives up prices, pushing affordable options further out of reach.

Limited Inventory: Some Act 22 participants choose to buy properties as part of the program's requirements. This removes potential long-term rentals from the market and shrinks the pool of available housing, especially for middle-income earners.
The Airbnb Effect: Hospitality Over Habitability

The popularity of Airbnb has transformed the tourism landscape in Puerto Rico. While short-term rentals can offer economic benefits for some homeowners, their widespread presence can exacerbate the housing crisis:

Reduced Long-Term Rentals: Property owners, lured by the potentially higher income from short-term rentals, convert long-term rentals into Airbnbs. This reduces the number of apartments and houses available for year-round residents.

Gentrification on Steroids: The influx of tourists seeking trendy Airbnb stays can lead to gentrification. Local residents are pushed out of certain neighborhoods as property values and rents rise due to the increased demand for short-term rentals.
A Perfect Storm: Act 22 and Airbnbs Working in Tandem

The combined effect of Act 22 and excessive Airbnbs creates a perfect storm for affordable housing. With increased demand from Act 22 participants and a shrinking pool of long-term rentals due to Airbnbs, competition for the remaining housing stock becomes fierce. This pushes prices even higher, leaving many Puerto Ricans struggling to find a decent and affordable place to live.

Finding Solutions: A Path Towards Balance

The situation isn't without potential solutions. Here are some ways to address the housing crisis:

Act 22 Reform: Consider requiring Act 22 beneficiaries to purchase properties in designated areas outside of high-demand tourist zones. This could help distribute the impact and prevent gentrification.

Airbnb Regulations: Implement stricter regulations on short-term rentals. Limiting the number of nights a property can be rented per year, requiring licensing, and increasing taxes on multiple listings are potential options.

Investment in Affordable Housing: Increase government investment in building and subsidizing affordable housing units. This can provide much-needed options for low and middle-income residents.

Conclusion: A Sustainable Future for Puerto Rico

The dream of owning a home or finding a decent rental apartment is becoming increasingly difficult for many Puerto Ricans. By acknowledging the impact of Act 22 and Airbnbs on the housing market, policymakers and stakeholders can work together to create a more balanced system. Striking a balance between economic development, tourism, and the needs of the island's residents is crucial for a sustainable future where everyone has access to affordable housing. Only then can Puerto Rico truly be a paradise for all.

Friday, March 15, 2024

the Rainforest Inn Bed and Breakfast

 Nestled within the lush greenery of El Yunque Rainforest in Rio Grande, Puerto Rico, the Rainforest Inn Bed and Breakfast stands as a serene oasis, offering an unforgettable escape for nature enthusiasts and tranquility seekers alike. This charming retreat is more than just a place to rest; it's an immersive experience that allows guests to connect with the vibrant ecosystem surrounding them.

A Unique Retreat

The Rainforest Inn is not your typical bed and breakfast; it's an eco-friendly haven that seamlessly blends luxury with sustainability. Guests are greeted by the soothing sounds of the rainforest and the refreshing scent of tropical flora as they step onto the property. The inn consists of six uniquely designed rooms, each offering panoramic views of the lush landscape.

The rooms at Rainforest Inn are designed to provide comfort while maintaining a close connection to nature. The eco-friendly architecture ensures that each room is well-ventilated and naturally lit, reducing the need for excessive artificial lighting and air conditioning. From the private balconies, guests can enjoy breathtaking views of the rainforest, creating a perfect setting for relaxation.


For those seeking adventure, the Rainforest Inn provides a gateway to the wonders of El Yunque Rainforest. Guests can explore hiking trails, discover hidden waterfalls, and observe the diverse flora and fauna that call the rainforest home. The inn offers guided tours, providing valuable insights into the ecology and cultural significance of this unique environment.

The El Yunque National Forest, where the inn is situated, is home to countless species of birds, insects, and plants. Birdwatchers will be delighted by the opportunity to spot rare and exotic species right from their balconies. The inn also arranges special birdwatching tours for enthusiasts eager to explore the diverse avian life.

The Rainforest Inn is committed to environmental sustainability and conservation. The property employs eco-friendly practices such as rainwater harvesting, composting, and energy-efficient technologies. The owners actively participate in local conservation efforts, supporting initiatives aimed at preserving the delicate balance of the rainforest ecosystem.

Culinary Delights

The inn's culinary offerings are a highlight for guests. The on-site restaurant sources fresh, local ingredients to create a menu that reflects the vibrant flavors of Puerto Rican cuisine. From traditional dishes to modern culinary creations, the chefs at Rainforest Inn showcase their passion for sustainable and locally sourced food.

Beyond providing a unique and immersive experience for guests, the Rainforest Inn is deeply involved in the local community. The owners collaborate with nearby businesses, artisans, and farmers to support the regional economy. Guests have the opportunity to participate in cultural excursions and interact with the vibrant communities surrounding the rainforest.

The Rainforest Inn Bed and Breakfast in Rio Grande, Puerto Rico, offers more than just a place to stay – it provides an opportunity to connect with nature, support local communities, and contribute to the conservation of the precious rainforest ecosystem. Whether you're an avid nature lover or simply seeking a peaceful retreat, the Rainforest Inn invites you to embrace the beauty of El Yunque and create lasting memories in this enchanting corner of the world.


Contact Information


Email Bill & Renée:

Direct line: (925) 391-3131

Toll free1 (800) 672-4992

Our physical address (not USPS) is:

Rainforest Inn 019 Cam Caribe, Rio Grande, 00745 (El Yunque National Forest)

Opening hours: 8am to 7pm

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Rio Grande Puerto Rico


La Coca Waterfall

A Tapestry of History and Culture

Nestled on the northeastern coast of Puerto Rico, the town of Rio Grande stands as a testament to the island's rich history and vibrant culture. With its founding dating back centuries, this town has evolved into a captivating blend of tradition, natural beauty, and community spirit.

Rio Grande's roots trace back to its official founding on July 16, 1840. However, the area's history predates this significant date, as indigenous Taino communities once inhabited the region. The Taino people, with their rich culture and agricultural practices, left an indelible mark on Rio Grande's landscape.

Early History

The town's early history is marked by a tapestry of influences, including Spanish colonization and the sugarcane industry. The founder of Rio Grande, Don Jose Francisco Rivera, played a pivotal role in shaping the town's destiny. Rivera's vision for a thriving community centered around agriculture and trade laid the foundation for Rio Grande's growth.

The colors of Rio Grande symbolize the town's identity and spirit. Vibrant hues of blue and green dominate the town's official color palette, reflecting the natural beauty that surrounds Rio Grande. The blue represents the nearby Atlantic Ocean, while the green signifies the lush landscapes and tropical vegetation that thrive in the region.

Local Sites of Interest

Rio Grande boasts a myriad of sites that captivate both residents and visitors alike. One of the town's crown jewels is the El Yunque National Forest, a lush tropical rainforest that stands as a haven for biodiversity. With its cascading waterfalls, dense foliage, and unique wildlife, El Yunque provides a breathtaking backdrop to Rio Grande's everyday life.


The town square, a focal point of community life, encapsulates Rio Grande's cultural and religious significance. The central plaza is adorned with a statue of Don Jose Francisco Rivera, paying homage to the town's founder. The Catholic church, a cornerstone of the square, stands as a testament to the enduring religious traditions that have shaped Rio Grande.

Rio Grande's patron saint, Saint Anne, holds a special place in the hearts of the townspeople. Celebrated annually on July 26, the Feast of Saint Anne brings together residents in a vibrant display of religious devotion and cultural festivities. The streets come alive with processions, traditional music, and local cuisine, creating an atmosphere of joy and unity.

Patron Saint Church and Town Square

The Catholic church in the town square, dedicated to Parroquia Nuestra Señora del Carmen, serves as both a place of worship and a cultural landmark. The architecture reflects a blend of colonial and Caribbean influences, creating a visually stunning testament to the town's enduring faith. The church's interior is adorned with religious art and artifacts, providing a glimpse into Rio Grande's spiritual heritage.

Beyond its religious significance, the church square serves as a gathering place for the community. Locals and visitors alike come together to share moments of reflection, celebration, and connection. The church square is not just a physical space; it is a living testament to Rio Grande's sense of community and cultural pride.

In conclusion, Rio Grande, Puerto Rico, stands as a vibrant tapestry woven with threads of history, culture, and faith. From its Taino roots to the vision of its founder, the town has evolved into a unique blend of tradition and modernity. The colors, sites of interest, patron saint, and the Catholic church in the town square all contribute to the rich narrative of Rio Grande. As residents continue to celebrate their heritage and welcome newcomers, Rio Grande remains a shining example of Puerto Rico's enduring spirit.

Sunday, March 3, 2024

Emancipation Day in Puerto Rico: Celebrating Freedom and Cultural Resilience



Emancipation Day in Puerto Rico is a significant and deeply rooted celebration that commemorates the abolition of slavery in the island territory. This day holds profound cultural and historical importance, reflecting the resilience and strength of the Puerto Rican people in their pursuit of freedom and equality.

Historical Background

Emancipation Day in Puerto Rico traces its roots back to March 22, 1873, when the Spanish government, which then controlled the island, enacted the Moret Law. This historic legislation granted freedom to enslaved individuals born after September 17, 1868. The law aimed to gradually abolish slavery in Puerto Rico, aligning with a global shift towards recognizing the inherent rights of all individuals.

The Moret Law, named after Spanish politician Segismundo Moret, represented a crucial step towards dismantling the oppressive system of slavery that had plagued the island for centuries. However, it's important to note that full emancipation did not occur until March 22, 1873, making this date a pivotal moment in Puerto Rican history.

Cultural Significance

Emancipation Day is not merely a historical event; it is a celebration of resilience, cultural identity, and the enduring spirit of the Puerto Rican people. The abolition of slavery marked a turning point, paving the way for a new era of freedom and self-determination.

Throughout the years, Emancipation Day has become a day of reflection and remembrance, honoring the struggles of those who fought against the chains of slavery and acknowledging the contributions of Afro-Puerto Ricans to the island's rich cultural tapestry. The day is marked by various cultural events, including music, dance, art, and traditional ceremonies that pay homage to the African roots embedded in Puerto Rican heritage.

Celebrations and Traditions

Bomba y Plena

Emancipation Day is celebrated with a blend of historical reverence and cultural festivities across Puerto Rico. Communities come together to organize parades, concerts, and art exhibitions that showcase the diversity of Puerto Rican culture and the resilience of its people.

One of the prominent features of the celebrations is the Bomba and Plena music and dance. These traditional Afro-Puerto Rican art forms serve as a powerful means of expression, connecting individuals with their African ancestry while celebrating the triumph over oppression. The vibrant rhythms and movements of Bomba and Plena embody the spirit of freedom and unity, providing a unique and captivating experience for both locals and visitors alike.

Moreover, various educational initiatives take place during Emancipation Day, fostering awareness about the island's history and the ongoing efforts to preserve and promote its cultural diversity. Schools, museums, and community organizations collaborate to organize workshops, lectures, and exhibitions that highlight the significance of Emancipation Day in shaping Puerto Rico's collective identity.


Emancipation Day in Puerto Rico serves as a poignant reminder of the island's journey towards freedom and equality. Beyond its historical roots, the celebration embodies the strength, resilience, and cultural richness of the Puerto Rican people. As the island continues to navigate the complexities of its history and identity, Emancipation Day stands as a beacon of hope and a testament to the enduring spirit of a community that has overcome adversity to embrace its diverse heritage.

Friday, March 1, 2024

The Jones Act: A Legacy of Protectionism and its Impact on Puerto Rico


Enacted in 1920 as part of the Merchant Marine Act, the Jones Act remains a contentious cornerstone of US maritime policy. This law mandates that all goods transported by water between US ports must be carried on US-built, owned, and crewed vessels. While proponents hail it as a vital tool for national security and maritime industry support, critics point to its significant economic and social burdens, particularly on Puerto Rico and other non-contiguous territories. Exploring the Act's history, rationale, and impact on Puerto Rico reveals a complex interplay of economic protectionism, national security considerations, and the welfare of island populations.

Birth of a Nation's Maritime Ambition

Emerging from the ashes of World War I, the United States witnessed a decline in its once-mighty merchant marine. Senator Wesley Jones, concerned about national security and economic competitiveness, championed the Merchant Marine Act, with the Jones Act forming a crucial section. The Act aimed to revitalize the US maritime industry by reserving domestic waterborne commerce for US vessels, effectively barring cheaper foreign competition. The rationale rested on national security concerns, emphasizing the need for a robust domestic shipbuilding industry and trained American crews in times of war.

Puerto Rico: Caught in the Crossfire

Puerto Rico, acquired by the US in 1898, became subject to the Jones Act. However, the island's unique status as a non-contiguous territory presented challenges. Under the Act, goods shipped between Puerto Rico and the mainland had to be transported on US vessels, significantly raising shipping costs compared to foreign alternatives. This inflated the price of everyday goods for Puerto Ricans, impacting their cost of living and overall economic competitiveness.

Short-Term Effects: A Rising Tide of Prices

The immediate impact of the Jones Act on Puerto Rico was a surge in consumer prices. Studies estimate that the Act increases goods prices in Puerto Rico by 15-20% compared to the mainland. This price hike affects all aspects of life, from basic necessities like food and fuel to construction materials and manufactured goods. The higher cost of living hinders economic development, discourages investment, and disproportionately burdens low-income communities.

Long-Term Consequences: A Ripple Effect on Development

Beyond immediate price increases, the Jones Act hinders Puerto Rico's long-term economic growth. The inflated cost of imports makes it challenging for local businesses to compete with mainland counterparts, stifling entrepreneurship and innovation. Additionally, the Act limits the island's ability to attract manufacturing and other industries due to the higher cost of importing raw materials and exporting finished goods. This stagnation impedes job creation and overall economic diversification, perpetuating a cycle of dependence on mainland imports.

Challenges and Debates

Over the years, the Jones Act has faced numerous challenges and debates. Critics argue that the economic costs outweigh the national security benefits, especially in the era of globalized trade and modern naval capabilities. Proponents counter that a strong domestic shipbuilding industry remains crucial for wartime contingencies and that the Act guarantees high-paying jobs for American seafarers. The debate reflects a complex tug-of-war between economic efficiency and national security priorities.

Seeking Solutions: Balancing Interests

Finding a solution to the Jones Act conundrum requires navigating a delicate balancing act. While recognizing the Act's potential national security benefits, exploring options to mitigate its economic burdens on Puerto Rico and other territories is crucial. Potential solutions include waivers for specific goods, exemptions for non-contiguous territories, or subsidies to offset shipping cost increases. Ultimately, policymakers must weigh competing interests and design a policy that fosters both economic prosperity and national security for all US territories.

The Jones Act serves as a case study in the complex interplay of protectionist policies, national security concerns, and the economic well-being of specific populations. As Puerto Rico grapples with its economic challenges, finding common ground between competing interests remains essential to ensure a brighter future for the island and its residents.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

José Campeche: A Brushstroke of Identity in Colonial Puerto Rico


José Campeche y Jordán, born in 1751, emerges not only as the first known Puerto Rican visual artist but also as a beacon of artistic talent and cultural representation in the midst of colonial society. His life, intertwined with the social and political tapestry of 18th-century Puerto Rico, left an indelible mark through his vibrant portraits and religious imagery, capturing the essence of a complex era.

Campeche's story begins in San Juan, where he was born to Tomás Campeche, a freed slave, and María Jordán, a Canarian native. This mixed heritage placed him in a liminal space within the rigid social hierarchy, yet it fueled his artistic pursuits. His father, a skilled gilder and restorer of religious statues, nurtured his early interest in art. Additionally, the presence of Luis Paret y Alcázar, a banished Spanish court painter, became a pivotal influence, providing Campeche with invaluable guidance in technique and style.

Though primarily self-taught, Campeche quickly blossomed into a renowned portraitist. His subjects ranged from governors and wealthy families to members of the clergy and even mixed-race individuals, often overlooked in colonial society. In capturing their likenesses, he went beyond mere physical representation. His brushstrokes imbued each portrait with a sense of personality, dignity, and even defiance.

Capturing the Crème de la Crème

Prominent figures like Governors Miguel de Ustáriz and Ramón de Castro adorned his canvases, their stern expressions and opulent attire reflecting their power and status. The "Portrait of Doña Petronila Dandereau" stands as a testament to his skill in depicting female subjects. Her confident gaze and intricate lace dress speak volumes about her social standing and personal strength.

However, Campeche's legacy lies not just in his portrayal of the elite but also in his depiction of ordinary people. Works like "Free Women of Color with Their Children and Servants in a Landscape" offer a rare glimpse into the lives of mixed-race families, often hidden from official portraits. Their relaxed postures and vibrant attire create a sense of intimacy and challenge dominant narratives of power and race.

Faith and Art

Religious paintings also held a significant place in Campeche's repertoire. Works like "The Vision of Saint Francis" and "The Ex-voto of the Holy Family" showcase his mastery of biblical narratives and evoke a sense of devotion and spirituality. While adhering to the conventions of religious art, he incorporated subtle elements of local flora and landscapes, subtly weaving Puerto Rican identity into his sacred works.

A Legacy Beyond Canvases

Campeche's impact transcended mere aesthetics. His art served as a powerful tool for cultural representation. He defied expectations by depicting people of color with dignity and complexity, challenging the prevailing racial and social hierarchies of the time. His portraits captured the spirit of a burgeoning Puerto Rican identity, showcasing not just the island's elite but also its diverse populace.

Despite the scarcity of information about his personal life, Campeche's artistic legacy continues to resonate. His paintings hang in esteemed institutions like the Smithsonian American Art Museum and the Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico, serving as a bridge between Puerto Rico's colonial past and its contemporary identity. In a world where representation matters, Campeche's story remains an inspiration, reminding us of the power of art to challenge norms, capture individuality, and celebrate the richness of cultural diversity.

Monday, February 26, 2024

Florida Puerto Rican Parade and Festival


2024 Florida Puerto Rican Parade

Downtown Orlando April 27th 20204
Dedicated to the town of Juncos

The Florida Puerto Rican Parade, Festival and related activities were established to promote the Puerto Rican community culture, heritage, values and its contributions to the State of Florida.

It is our goal to promote the achievements made by Puerto Ricans in Business, Health, Music, Science, Sports, Arts and Government. Puerto Ricans from throughout Florida cities and surrounding states are encouraged to attend. Friends and families of participants and spectators are invited to join in this annual celebration which has become a milestone event for families from across the region and Puerto Rico to get together.

The 2024 the parade and festival will be held on April 27, 2024 in downtown Orlando and is preceded by a week of multiple activities. dedicated to the Municipality of Juncos “La Ciudad del Valenciano” and the theme of the parade is “Civic Engagement and Responsibilities” that include; registering to vote, voting in elections, volunteering in community organizations, serving in statutory boards and committees, participating in government politics, and holding public office. It also includes; obeying the laws, serving on juries or as witnesses in court.

[envira-gallery id="17478"]

On April 25th, 2024 we celebrate our annual Gala/Scholarships Awards Dinner! This year we honor and dedicate the parade to the Municipality of Juncos “La Ciudad del Valenciano”.

Join us and savor a delicious traditional Boricua dinner while enjoying top-notch entertainment provided by special guests in addition to the city being honored and the Scholarship recipients.

The theme of the parade is “Civic Engagement and Responsibilities” Civic leaders will be recognized and students will be awarded scholarships. Don’t miss out on this highly anticipated evening!

Date: Thursday, April 25, 2024

Time: 6 pm Reception

7 pm Awards Dinner and Scholarships Presentations

Location: DoubleTree by Hilton at SeaWorld 10100 International Drive, Orlando, FL 32821

The Florida Puerto Rican Parade, Inc. (FLPRP), is a 501 © (3) non-profit charitable organization established in 2016 to promote the Puerto Rican community culture, values, heritage, and contributions to the State of Florida. The Scholarships Fund Program Committee was created to identify and provide financial support to students entering or already in a college institution. It is the goal of FLPRP to offer scholarships to qualified students each year based on financial need, scholastic merit, leadership, achievements, and other factors.

Parade Route

For More Information visit our website:
80 Cedar St, Hartford, CT 06106
(787) 938-6367

Follow Us on Facebook

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Taking a Community to Puerto Rico


From El Batey Puerto Rican Center
Buffalo, NY 14207

We have an army of individual donors! People who want to contribute out of the kindness of their heart. This means so much to us because it is a personal donation and a loving gesture!

And your contributions make such a huge difference, they fill in the gaps that are so incredibly necessary to reach our goal! I won't list all of them because -the way my brain works will forget someone.

But you know who you are, and we see and appreciate your donation. Every time we get a call, a text a ping on our donations platforms we jump for joy! To us, it means that you see us, and you value us and most importantly want to see the kids make it to Puerto Rico!

Please Consider making a Donation HERE

Desde nuestro corazon a el de ustedes!
Nuestra comunidad dentro y fuera de Bufalo se ha botado!

Friday, February 23, 2024

The Many Benefits of Growing Your Own Food in Puerto Rico


Puerto Rico, with its vibrant culture and fertile lands, holds immense potential for growing delicious and nutritious produce. Yet, over 85% of the island's food is imported, making it susceptible to price fluctuations and supply chain disruptions. This reality motivates many Puerto Ricans to explore a different path: growing their own food.

Taking charge of your food through a home garden offers a multitude of benefits that go beyond simply saving money at the grocery store.

1. Freshness and Flavor: Homegrown produce tastes unmatched. Reaping fruits (and vegetables!) directly from your garden guarantees peak freshness and flavor, as compared to produce that travels long distances and sits on shelves for days. You'll savor the true essence of Puerto Rican cuisine with locally adapted varieties bursting with nutrients and sun-kissed goodness.

2. Healthier You, Healthier Planet: By minimizing reliance on industrial agriculture, you reduce your carbon footprint and exposure to harmful chemicals. Growing organically empowers you to control what goes into your food, promoting overall health and well-being. Imagine enjoying a salad laced with homegrown lettuce, tomatoes, and peppers, knowing exactly how they were nurtured.

3. Resilient Island, Secure Food System: In the face of natural disasters like hurricanes, a strong local food system becomes crucial. Growing your own food fosters self-reliance and strengthens the community's ability to bounce back from challenges. Imagine your garden flourishing even after a storm, providing much-needed nourishment to your family and neighbors.

4. Rediscovering Traditional Roots: Puerto Rico boasts a rich agricultural heritage. Growing native and historically significant crops like "yautía" (malanga), "aji dulce" (sweet pepper), and "guayaba" (guava) allows you to reconnect with your ancestral foodways and preserve valuable biodiversity. Picture yourself nurturing these traditional crops, carrying forward a legacy of cultural connection.

5. Fun and Rewarding Hobby: Gardening is a delightful activity, connecting you with nature and providing a sense of accomplishment. Witnessing the seeds you sow transform into vibrant plants and then delicious food fosters a deep appreciation for the cycle of life. Imagine the joy of sharing a plate of homegrown vegetables with loved ones, knowing you brought them to life.

Ready to Cultivate Your Own Eden?

Starting your home garden journey in Puerto Rico is easier than you might think. Here are some resources to get you going:

  • Desde mi Huerto: This seed bank offers high-quality, organic, and regionally adapted seeds, empowering you to grow with success.
  • Para la Naturaleza: This non-profit organization promotes sustainable agriculture and offers workshops and resources on various gardening techniques.
  • U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA): The USDA provides invaluable resources on starting and maintaining gardens, including climate-specific advice for Puerto Rico.
  • Comunidad Agrícola Ecológica de Puerto Rico (CAEP): This community of farmers and food systems advocates offers practical guidance and networking opportunities.

Remember, even a small balcony or patch of unused land can be transformed into a productive garden. Start with easy-to-grow crops like herbs, leafy greens, and cherry tomatoes. Explore native varieties suitable for the island's climate and soil conditions. As you gain experience, gradually expand your repertoire and experiment with different techniques.

Growing your own food in Puerto Rico is not just about filling your plate; it's about cultivating a more sustainable, resilient, and flavorful future for yourself and your community. So, grab your gardening gloves, embrace the adventure, and witness the magic unfold in your own little piece of paradise.

Bonus Tip: Join local community gardens or farmer's markets. Connect with other passionate growers, share experiences, and learn from each other's successes and challenges. Together, you can cultivate a vibrant network that nourishes not just your tables, but also your island spirit.

Thursday, February 22, 2024

2024 Ram 1500 Review: Still Riding High, But is it Enough?


The 2024 Ram 1500 remains a strong contender in the full-size truck segment, but with major updates coming down the pike for 2025, is it still worth your consideration? Let's delve into its strengths, weaknesses, and what the future holds.


Interior Excellence: The Ram 1500 boasts one of the most luxurious and comfortable interiors in its class. High-quality materials, thoughtful design, and ample space make it feel more like a premium SUV than a work truck, especially in higher trims.

Smooth Ride and Handling: Thanks to its coil-spring suspension and refined steering, the Ram 1500 delivers a surprisingly smooth and controlled ride, even when unladen. It easily outshines most competitors in terms of comfort and handling.

Powerful and Efficient Engines: While the lack of the diesel option might sting for some, the remaining V6 and V8 engines offer a good balance of power and efficiency. The mild-hybrid eTorque system provides a welcome boost to fuel economy, especially in city driving.

Tech-Filled Features: The Uconnect infotainment system is user-friendly and packed with features. Available options like a large touchscreen, digital gauge cluster, and head-up display further enhance the tech experience.


Max Towing Capacity: Compared to its rivals, the Ram 1500 falls short in terms of maximum towing capacity. While still capable for most everyday needs, heavy-duty haulers might find themselves looking elsewhere.

Price Point: Higher trim levels with all the bells and whistles can quickly climb into luxury car territory. While the interior justifies the price for some, budget-conscious buyers might find better value elsewhere.

No Major Updates for 2024: With a significant redesign expected for 2025, the 2024 model feels like a holdover year. If you're looking for the latest technology and features, waiting a year might be the wiser choice.

The Verdict

The 2024 Ram 1500 is a refined and comfortable truck with a luxurious interior and capable powertrains. However, its towing capacity lags behind competitors, and the lack of major updates for 2024 makes it feel like a transitional model. If you prioritize comfort, a smooth ride, and a tech-laden cabin, the Ram 1500 remains a good choice. But for those seeking the latest features, maximum towing capacity, or the best value, waiting for the 2025 redesign might be the better move.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Puerto Rican Cultural Center


SAVE THE DATE, 7th Earth Day - Taino Dance for Ataabey

Come Wearing Flowers!
Puerto Rican Cultural Center AREYTO!!
We're honoring Ataabey (Mother Earth) with Taino dance & songs!
7th Earth Day - Taino Areyto Dance for Ataabey!
Sunday, April 21, 2024 - 2-5pm
FREE EVENT - in our Batey!


Join Yukayeke Yara Cu and Guaytiao as we dance AREYTO and sing songs in Taino dedicated to Ataabey (Mother Earth) -- under the Pecan Trees of our Batey! Interactive activities will share ways the whole family can build a relationship with Nature -- everyday! Don't forget your maraca! There will be Areyto - Taino ceremonial dance and song - all afternoon! More details and guest presenters announced this Spring!

This joyful gathering will take place outdoors in the Batey of the Puerto Rican Cultural Center, 701 Tillery Street, Austin 78702. Our entrance is in back facing the lawn, steps away from free parking.

YUKAYEKE YARA CU (Tribe of the Sacred Place) is a Taino tribe of blood descendants and Guaytiao proudly serving Central Texas. YARA TAINO & GUAYTIAO is the Indigenous community of the Puerto Rican Cultural Center. Since 2008, our Cultural Center defends and shares Taino Heritage everyday.

Live in Central Texas? Contact us to become involved!

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

National Puerto Rican Agenda


Bridging Change-Makers together to Unite, Educate and create solutions for the Puerto Rican people

Our Story

The National Puerto Rican Agenda (NPRA) was created as a nonpartisan alliance of stateside organizations, elected officials, community leaders, and citizen volunteers. Born out of a collective desire to strengthen our capacity and elevate our impact in addressing Puerto Rico’s extended economic crisis and promoting Puerto Rican political and civic participation in Puerto Rico and the United States, NPRA brings together a rich tapestry of advocacy efforts at the national, state, and local levels.

Our vision is a world where island-based and state-side Puerto Ricans are engaged and empowered to pursue public policies that provide an equitable and sustainable future where our communities can heal, grow, and thrive. We believe that providing a forum that brings together diverse stakeholders and bridges collaborative initiatives, we can accomplish a common goal – improving the lives of Puerto Ricans everywhere.

To get there, we must organize our public policy advocacy efforts, in the diaspora and on the island, in support of legislation and policies that remove the barriers of economic, educational, and healthcare inequities.


Our Mission

The mission of the National Puerto Rican Agenda is to unite, educate, and create solutions for the Puerto Rican people in the United States and Puerto Rico. We seek to work with the government, candidates, political parties, organizations, and, most importantly, the public to make the mission of this organization a reality.

Alongside our mission to unite, educate, and create solutions for the Puerto Rican people in the United States and Puerto Rico, the National Puerto Rican Agenda has taken up an ambitious agenda on central issues concerning Puerto Ricans in the United States and Puerto Rico.

On July 24, 2016, at the First Constituent Assembly in Camden, New Jersey, over 200 people gathered to solidify the direction and work of the newly formed NPRA. Together, the attendants established a position on a number of central issues affecting Puerto Ricans. The agenda was revised and approved at the July 14, 2018 Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

2024 Biennial National Convention - March 15 & 16, 2024

March 15 and 16, 2024

Taller Puertorriqueño
2600 N 5th St
Philadelphia, PA 19133

Jimmy Torres Velez

More Information Visit our Website


Monday, February 19, 2024

Puerto Rican Women's Basketball Qualifies for Paris 2024

 Puerto Rico Womens Basketball Team

The Puerto Rican women's basketball team has achieved a historic feat, securing their spot in the upcoming Paris 2024 Olympic Games. This monumental moment has sent waves of excitement across the island, igniting a passion that transcends the sport itself. But what makes this qualification so special, and why do Puerto Ricans get so enthralled by their Olympic teams?

A Thrilling Journey to Paris

The road to Paris wasn't easy. Facing stiff competition at the FIBA Olympic Qualifying Tournament in China, the team faced an initial setback against France. However, their unyielding spirit shone through as they bounced back with a nail-biting victory against New Zealand, securing their Olympic berth. This triumph wasn't just about winning; it was about overcoming challenges and exceeding expectations on a global stage.

Beyond the Basketball Court

For Puerto Ricans, sports and national pride are deeply intertwined. The island's history has been marked by struggle and resilience, and excelling on the international stage becomes a powerful symbol of overcoming adversity. The women's basketball team's success represents not just athletic prowess, but the determination and talent of an entire people.

More Than Just Games

Puerto Rico's small size fosters a strong sense of community, where individuals celebrate collective achievements. Seeing their team compete against giants like the United States and emerge victorious fills islanders with immense pride. It's a moment of unity, where differences fade away, and everyone cheers for the "Borinquena" spirit.

A Spark for Inspiration

The team's success serves as a beacon of inspiration for young girls and aspiring athletes across the island. It demonstrates that dedication, teamwork, and perseverance can lead to achieving seemingly impossible dreams. This positive impact transcends the basketball court, empowering future generations to strive for excellence in all aspects of life.

Looking Ahead to Paris

The Olympic journey has just begun. While the competition in Paris will be fierce, the Puerto Rican women's basketball team has already proven their grit and determination. Their success is not just a source of national pride, but a testament to the indomitable spirit that defines Puerto Rico. As they prepare for the big stage, the entire island will be cheering them on, hoping they can bring home another historic victory.

Friday, February 16, 2024

Embracing Native Plants in Puerto Rican Gardens

 puerto rico gardening

Puerto Rico, with its lush landscapes and tropical climate, provides an ideal canvas for gardening enthusiasts. Embracing the rich biodiversity of the island, gardening with native plants not only enhances the natural beauty but also contributes to the preservation of the local ecosystem. In this article, we will explore the enchanting world of gardening in Puerto Rico, emphasizing the significance of using native plants to create sustainable and thriving gardens.

The Rich Biodiversity of Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico is a biodiversity hotspot, home to a vast array of plant species that have evolved to thrive in the island's unique climate and soil conditions. From the majestic Ceiba tree to the vibrant Bougainvillea, the flora of Puerto Rico is as diverse as its culture. Gardeners in Puerto Rico have the opportunity to harness this diversity by incorporating native plants into their landscapes.

Benefits of Gardening with Native Plants:

  1. Adaptability to Climate: Native plants have evolved over time to adapt to Puerto Rico's specific climate and soil conditions. By choosing native species, gardeners can enjoy plants that are naturally resilient, requiring less maintenance and water. This adaptability not only makes gardening easier but also promotes sustainability.
  2. Supporting Local Ecosystems: Native plants play a crucial role in supporting local ecosystems by providing habitats and food sources for native wildlife. Birds, butterflies, and insects depend on specific native plants for their survival. By cultivating these plants, gardeners contribute to the overall health of Puerto Rico's ecosystem, fostering a harmonious balance between flora and fauna.
  3. Preserving Endangered Species: Many native plant species in Puerto Rico are endangered due to habitat loss and other environmental threats. Gardening with native plants can become a form of conservation, helping to preserve these species and protect the island's unique botanical heritage.
  4. Reducing Environmental Impact: Non-native plants often require more water, fertilizers, and pesticides to thrive in unfamiliar environments. By choosing native plants, gardeners can reduce their ecological footprint, promoting a more sustainable and environmentally friendly approach to gardening.

Popular Native Plants for Puerto Rican Gardens

  1. Tabonuco (Dacryodes excelsa): A towering evergreen tree native to Puerto Rico's rainforests, the Tabonuco is known for its striking height and dense canopy. While it may be challenging to cultivate in small gardens, its presence in larger landscapes can recreate the majesty of the island's natural forests.
  2. Icaco (Chrysobalanus icaco): This small, fruit-bearing tree is well-suited for home gardens. With glossy green leaves and clusters of edible purple berries, the Icaco adds both aesthetic appeal and a touch of local flavor to the garden.
  3. Flamboyán (Delonix regia): Known for its fiery red flowers, the Flamboyán is a favorite among Puerto Rican gardeners. This deciduous tree provides vibrant colors and ample shade during its flowering season, creating a stunning focal point in any garden.


Gardening in Puerto Rico is a celebration of the island's unique biodiversity. By embracing native plants, gardeners not only create visually stunning landscapes but also contribute to the conservation of the local ecosystem. As Puerto Rico continues to face environmental challenges, the role of native plant gardening becomes increasingly vital in preserving the island's natural beauty for future generations. So, let your garden bloom with the colors of Puerto Rico, cultivating paradise one native plant at a time.

Monday, February 12, 2024

Preparing Puerto Rican Style Lechón


Lechon: Whole Roasted Pig

In the heart of Puerto Rican culinary traditions, one dish stands out as a symbol of celebration and festivity - Lechón. This succulent and flavorful roasted pig has been a centerpiece at festive gatherings, family reunions, and special occasions for generations. In this article, we'll delve into the art of preparing Puerto Rican style Lechón, exploring the steps from selection to serving, and why it has become a beloved cultural delicacy.

Selection and Preparation

The journey of creating the perfect Puerto Rican Lechón begins with selecting the right pig. Typically, a young and small pig, known as a "cochinillo," is chosen for its tenderness and optimal size. Once selected, the pig is meticulously cleaned, and the skin is scored to ensure a crispy and crackling texture during the roasting process.

Marination plays a crucial role in infusing the meat with rich flavors. Puerto Rican Lechón is traditionally marinated using a blend of aromatic herbs and spices, including garlic, oregano, cumin, and adobo seasoning. The marinade, often referred to as "mojo," is generously applied to the pig, ensuring every nook and cranny is infused with the vibrant flavors that define Puerto Rican cuisine. The marination process is crucial for at least 24 hours to allow the flavors to penetrate the meat thoroughly.


Roasting the Lechón is an art that requires patience and skill. The traditional method involves a specialized outdoor pit, commonly known as a "Caja China" or China box. The pig is placed inside the box, and the lid is closed, creating an oven-like environment. The Lechón is then slow-roasted over charcoal, allowing the skin to crisp up while the meat inside becomes tender and juicy.

During the roasting process, the pig is periodically basted with a mixture of its own juices and the marinade, enhancing the flavors and ensuring a moist and flavorful outcome. The slow-roasting technique can take several hours, depending on the size of the pig, and is often accompanied by the gathering of family and friends, turning the preparation of Lechón into a communal celebration.


Once the Lechón is perfectly roasted, it is time to savor the fruits of labor. The pig is carefully carved, revealing the succulent meat with its crispy and flavorful skin. Puerto Rican Lechón is traditionally served with a side of arroz con gandules (rice with pigeon peas) and other local delicacies. The combination of the crispy skin, tender meat, and aromatic rice creates a symphony of flavors that dance on the taste buds.

The communal aspect of serving Lechón adds to its significance in Puerto Rican culture. It brings people together, fostering a sense of community and celebration. The joy of sharing a meal that has been prepared with love and dedication is an integral part of the Lechón experience.


Puerto Rican style Lechón is more than just a dish; it is a cultural emblem that embodies the spirit of celebration and togetherness. From the careful selection and preparation to the slow-roasting process and communal serving, every step contributes to the creation of a culinary masterpiece. So, the next time you find yourself in Puerto Rico or looking to celebrate a special occasion, consider the art of preparing Lechón Puerto Rican style – a feast for the senses and a tribute to the rich culinary heritage of the island.

BC Classics Bene Casa Caja Asadora Large Pit Barbecue Portable Pig Roaster - available from Amazon

China Box

Or from La Caja China - China Box

When visiting Puerto Rico, be sure to experience Guavate and la Ruta del Lechón

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Protecting Your Skin from the Puerto Rican Sun | Tips for a Healthy Glow

 Puerto Rican Sun

Puerto Rico's tropical climate and abundant sunshine make it a paradise for beachgoers and outdoor enthusiasts. While basking in the sun can be a delightful experience, it's essential to take precautions to safeguard your skin from the potential adverse effects of prolonged sun exposure. The Puerto Rican sun can be intense, and without proper protection, it can lead to sunburn, premature aging, and an increased risk of skin cancer. In this article, we will explore effective ways to reduce the effects of the Puerto Rican sun on your skin, allowing you to enjoy the beauty of the island without compromising your skin's health.

Sunscreen as Your Shield

One of the most crucial steps in protecting your skin from the Puerto Rican sun is using sunscreen. Opt for a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a high SPF (Sun Protection Factor) to shield your skin from both UVA and UVB rays. Apply sunscreen generously and reapply every two hours, especially after swimming or sweating. Consider choosing a water-resistant formula to ensure lasting protection, as Puerto Rico's inviting beaches might tempt you to take a dip.

Cover Up with Clothing

When spending extended periods outdoors, cover up with lightweight, long-sleeved clothing to provide an additional layer of protection. A wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses can also shield your face, neck, and eyes from the direct sunlight. Not only does this protect your skin, but it also helps to maintain a comfortable body temperature in the island's warm climate.

Seek Shade During Peak Hours

The sun's intensity is highest between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. It's advisable to seek shade during these peak hours to reduce direct exposure. Enjoy a leisurely lunch under a beach umbrella or take a siesta in the shade to give your skin a break. This simple step can significantly lower the risk of sunburn and long-term skin damage.

Stay Hydrated

skincare products

Proper hydration is key to maintaining healthy skin, especially in a hot and sunny environment like Puerto Rico. Drinking plenty of water helps your skin stay moisturized from the inside out, minimizing the risk of dehydration and the associated effects on your skin. Consider carrying a reusable water bottle to ensure you have easy access to hydration throughout the day.

Aftercare for Soothing Relief

If you do happen to get a bit too much sun, proper aftercare is crucial. Aloe vera gel can provide soothing relief for sunburned skin, reducing redness and promoting healing. Keep your skin moisturized with a gentle, fragrance-free lotion to prevent peeling and further irritation.

Regular Skin Checkups

Being proactive about your skin health includes regular checkups with a dermatologist. Schedule periodic skin screenings to detect any early signs of skin issues. Early detection and treatment are crucial in preventing more serious conditions, especially considering the increased sun exposure in a place like Puerto Rico.


While enjoying the Puerto Rican sun is undoubtedly one of the highlights of a visit to the island, it's essential to prioritize your skin health. By incorporating these protective measures into your routine, you can savor the beauty of Puerto Rico without compromising the well-being of your skin. Remember, a healthy glow is best achieved when you balance outdoor enjoyment with responsible sun care practices.

Bettina CosmeticsBettina Cosmetics

Celebrating 60 Years

Thursday, February 8, 2024

What Are the Advantages of a Glass Shower Door for Your Puerto Rico Home?


If you’re considering upgrading your bathroom, you may be thinking about installing glass shower doors. They can truly enhance your space, but are they worth the effort? 

Puerto Rico glass shower doors will help improve your bathroom space, and they have numerous advantages too. Take a look at how they can help you turn the most used room in your home into an elegant retreat. 

Creates the Look of a Larger Space

When your bathroom feels cramped, you can open up the space with ease by installing glass shower doors. In Puerto Rico homes, they add a touch of class and luxury, lighting up the room with a brighter feel. 

Easy to Maintain

Shower curtains always trap mildew and mold, though your glass shower doors are easy to clean. Using a squeegee after you shower additionally helps cut down on your cleaning time. 

Greater Durability

Glass shower doors resist scratching and chipping, making them the durable choice for your Puerto Rico home. If you use shower curtains, you have to replace them as they wear out. When you redecorate, your shower curtain may no longer match your style, but your glass shower enclosure will go with any décor. 

Better Bathroom Safety

Shower curtains are notorious for letting water and soap splash out of the shower and onto the floor. This can cause a slippery situation for you and your loved ones. Glass showers prevent this problem and save you the step of having to clean up wet floors every time. 

More Beauty for Your Home

With clean lines and that glossy shine, glass showers look more luxurious. They add that extra opulence to your Puerto Rico home that will turn it into the same kind of retreat you’ll find in high-end resorts and spas. 

Great for the Environment

Most shower curtains are made from non-recyclable materials. Shower enclosures made from glass can be recycled years down the road then they have finally reached their lifespan. When they are sealed properly, they also reduce water waste, making them an eco-friendly choice. 

Customizable Options that Increase Home Value

Your Puerto Rico home deserves a style that is all your own. You can have glass shower doors customized to fit your space and your aesthetic. From frosted glass to frameless shower enclosures, you will find plenty of options. No matter how you design it, it will add more value to your home. Even if you’re not planning on selling it right now, you’re making an investment that builds equity in your property.

When people are shopping for homes, the bathrooms and the kitchen are the biggest concerns. If you have a glass shower enclosure, it lets in more light to show off your gorgeous tiles and creates a more inviting space that will have buyers fighting to buy your home. You certainly won’t get that with shower curtains. 

Upgrade Your Puerto Rico Home with Glass Shower Doors

There are plenty of advantages to upgrading your bathroom with a glass shower enclosure. Choose a reputable installer to ensure your investment into your home is done correctly and brings your visions to life.

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Carnaval Ponceño


Carnaval Ponceño

Celebrating Culture and Color: Carnaval de Ponce in Ponce, Puerto Rico

Every year, the vibrant city of Ponce, Puerto Rico, comes alive with an explosion of color, music, and energy during the much-anticipated Carnaval de Ponce. This lively celebration, deeply rooted in the island's rich cultural heritage, attracts locals and visitors alike to partake in the festive atmosphere that engulfs the streets.

Carnaval de Ponce, also known as the Ponce Carnival, is a dazzling extravaganza that typically takes place in late February or early March, marking the culmination of the pre-Lenten festivities. The origins of this annual celebration can be traced back to the 19th century, and over the years, it has evolved into a spectacular showcase of Puerto Rican identity, folklore, and artistic expression.

Vibrant Costumes and Masks

One of the hallmarks of Carnaval de Ponce is the array of vibrant costumes and masks worn by participants. Locals spend months crafting elaborate outfits that showcase the island's history, traditions, and cultural symbols. The costumes range from traditional Taino-inspired ensembles to more contemporary designs that reflect the island's diverse influences. As participants parade through the streets, the kaleidoscope of colors and intricate details of their attire create a visual feast for onlookers.

The heart of the celebration lies in the rhythmic beats of the music that permeate the air. Traditional Puerto Rican music, such as salsa, merengue, and bomba, fills the streets, compelling both young and old to dance to the infectious tunes. Live bands and DJs add to the vibrant ambiance, turning the entire city into a massive dance floor where locals and tourists join together in the joyous celebration of life.

Cultural Events and Competitions

Beyond the lively processions and musical performances, Carnaval de Ponce also features various cultural events and competitions. Art exhibitions, dance showcases, and culinary contests highlight the multifaceted nature of Puerto Rican culture. These activities provide a platform for artists, performers, and chefs to showcase their talents while fostering a sense of community pride.

Food plays a significant role in the festivities, with street vendors offering a tantalizing array of traditional Puerto Rican dishes. From mofongo to pastelón, the aroma of delicious culinary creations wafts through the air, enticing revelers to indulge in the island's rich gastronomic heritage.

Carnaval de Ponce is more than just a festive event; it is a celebration of Puerto Rico's resilience, identity, and community spirit. As participants and spectators come together to revel in the kaleidoscope of colors, pulsating music, and rich cultural expressions, Carnaval de Ponce becomes a living testament to the island's vibrant heritage, uniting people in a joyous celebration that transcends time and space.

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Rita Moreno: A Trailblazer in Entertainment


Rita Moreno, a living legend in the entertainment industry, has left an indelible mark on Hollywood through her remarkable career spanning over seven decades. Born on December 11, 1931, in Humacao, Puerto Rico, Moreno's journey to becoming an iconic figure in the world of film, television, and theater is a testament to her talent, resilience, and groundbreaking achievements.

Puerto Rican Heritage

Moreno's Puerto Rican heritage has been a source of pride and influence throughout her life. She moved to New York City with her mother at the age of five, where she was exposed to the rich cultural diversity of the city. Growing up in a predominantly Hispanic neighborhood, Moreno embraced her roots while navigating the challenges of assimilation. Her Puerto Rican heritage became an integral part of her identity, shaping her perspective and influencing her artistic expression.

Early Career Accomplishments

Rita Moreno's journey in the entertainment industry began at a young age. She started her career as a dancer, landing her first Broadway role at the age of thirteen. Moreno's breakthrough came with her performance as Anita in the 1961 film adaptation of Leonard Bernstein's and Stephen Sondheim's musical, "West Side Story." Her portrayal of Anita earned her critical acclaim, including an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress, making her the first Latina woman to win an Oscar.

Following her success in "West Side Story," Moreno faced the challenge of avoiding typecasting. She diversified her roles, showcasing her versatility as an actress. Her talent transcended racial and ethnic boundaries, and she became a trailblazer for Latinx representation in the entertainment industry. In the 1970s, Moreno became one of the few Latina actresses to break into television with a regular role on the children's television series "The Electric Company."

EGOT Awards

Rita Moreno's exceptional talent and dedication to her craft culminated in her achieving the coveted EGOT status – an accomplishment that sets her apart as one of the few individuals to win an Emmy, Grammy, Oscar, and Tony Award. Moreno won her Emmy Award in 1977 for her work on "The Muppet Show," showcasing her comedic skills and versatility. Her Grammy Award came in 1972 for her contribution to the cast album of "The Electric Company," solidifying her presence in the music industry.

The Oscar, as mentioned earlier, was awarded for her groundbreaking performance in "West Side Story." In 1975, Rita Moreno earned the Tony Award for Best Featured Actress in a Play for her role in the Broadway production of "The Ritz." This impressive feat of winning all four major entertainment awards not only highlights her talent but also underscores her lasting impact on multiple facets of the entertainment world.

Beyond her EGOT accomplishments, Moreno continued to contribute significantly to the entertainment industry. In recent years, she gained renewed attention for her role in the critically acclaimed television series "One Day at a Time," where she portrayed a strong, opinionated Cuban-American grandmother. Her performance added depth to the show and resonated with audiences for its portrayal of Latinx experiences.


Rita Moreno's journey from a young dancer to an EGOT-winning Hollywood icon is a testament to her resilience, talent, and commitment to breaking barriers. As a trailblazer for Latinx representation in entertainment, Moreno has opened doors for future generations of artists. Her Puerto Rican heritage has been a driving force in her career, shaping her identity and influencing her contributions to the diverse landscape of the entertainment industry. With a legacy that spans decades, Rita Moreno remains an inspiration and a symbol of excellence in the world of film, television, and theater.

Friday, February 2, 2024

Hartford Puerto Rican Parade


The Hartford Puerto Rican Parade features nearly 3,000 marching participants and is the largest parade in the City of Hartford and the Hartford region. Among the participants, you will see our honorees and delegates, local school groups, school bands, cultural groups from different countries showcasing their pride, Hartford Police Officers and Hartford Firefighters, the CT National Guard, music groups, entertainers, faith groups, Paso Fino Horses, clowns, media groups (radio, TV, print), sponsors, and elected officials.

On Sunday October 8, 2023, The Greater Hartford Puerto Rican Day Parade, which begins at 1:00 PM, will lead to street closures in the City. There will be “No Parking” enforcement on the Parade Route and towing will be conducted if need be.
The Parade Route begins on Van Dyke Avenue, moves onto Charter Oak Avenue, to Main Street, to Gold Street, to Jewell Street and concludes at Bushnell Park.

The Festival del Coqui will be taking place in Bushnell Park, from 230 PM to 900 PM, on Sunday as well. This will result in increased pedestrian and vehicle traffic in the vicinity of Bushnell Park during the afternoon and evening.

Additional road closures may occur due to circumstances beyond the Police Department’s control. Motorists traveling in the area of this event will experience delays and should consider alternative routes, if possible. Please plan on leaving early to arrive on time to enjoy the day in the City.

[envira-gallery id="17260"]

Registration for 2023 PR Parade Participant

We are proud to announce that the Greater Hartford Puerto Rican Day Parade will take place in Hartford (Parade Route: Charter Oak Avenue to Main Street, North on Main Street to Gold Street, West on Gold Street to Jewell to Asylum, into Bushnell Park) on Sunday, September 10th, 2023 at 1:00 p.m. sharp. We invite you to apply to participate in this year’s Greater Hartford Puerto Rican Day Parade. Your application, agreement and fee are due no later than Thursday, August 10, 2023. Registration Form Here

Parade Route

For More Information visit our website:
80 Cedar St, Hartford, CT 06106
(860) 904-7860

Follow Us on Facebook

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Festival Nacional Del Cafe de Yauco


This annual event not only honors the agricultural significance of coffee in the region but also serves as a vibrant platform for showcasing Puerto Rico's unique traditions and flavors.

The festival is a captivating blend of cultural exhibitions, music, dance, and, of course, an abundance of coffee. Visitors are treated to an immersive experience, with artisans and vendors showcasing traditional crafts, local cuisine, and, most importantly, the art of coffee production. From the meticulous harvesting of beans to the intricate process of roasting, the festival offers an inside look at the journey from coffee plant to cup.

Tasting Events

Coffee enthusiasts and curious visitors alike have the opportunity to indulge in the diverse flavors of Yauco coffee. Tasting events feature an array of coffee varieties, each distinguished by its unique aroma, flavor profile, and brewing techniques. Experts guide participants through the sensory journey, educating them about the subtleties that make Yauco coffee a cherished gem in the world of specialty coffees.

The festival is not just about coffee; it's a culinary adventure as well. Local chefs and food vendors present a tantalizing array of dishes infused with the rich, robust notes of Yauco coffee. From coffee-infused desserts to savory delicacies, the culinary offerings showcase the versatility of coffee as an ingredient, tantalizing taste buds and expanding the boundaries of traditional Puerto Rican cuisine.

Cultural Performances

As the sun sets over Yauco, the festival comes alive with the vibrant beats of Puerto Rican music and dance. Traditional performances, including bomba and plena, provide a rhythmic backdrop to the festivities. Visitors are invited to join in the celebrations, immersing themselves in the lively atmosphere and forging unforgettable memories.

The Festival Nacional del Café de Yauco is more than just a celebration of coffee; it's a testament to the resilience, culture, and passion of the people of Yauco. This annual event not only pays homage to the town's rich agricultural heritage but also invites visitors to savor the distinct flavors and traditions that define Puerto Rico's coffee culture. In every cup and every dance, the festival weaves a tapestry that captures the essence of Yauco and the enduring spirit of its people.

More Information

Facebook Page -
Boricuas Online -

Thursday, January 25, 2024

AI Transforms Travel to Puerto Rico

 artificial intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming various industries, and the travel sector is no exception. As technology continues to advance, the impact of AI on travel to destinations like Puerto Rico becomes increasingly evident. From enhancing the overall travel experience to streamlining processes, AI is poised to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of travel to this vibrant Caribbean island.

One of the most noticeable ways AI influences travel is through personalized recommendations. AI algorithms analyze vast amounts of data, including user preferences, travel history, and current trends, to offer tailored suggestions for travelers planning a trip to Puerto Rico. Whether it's recommending specific attractions, local cuisine, or cultural events, AI can create personalized itineraries that cater to individual preferences, ensuring a more enjoyable and customized experience.

Furthermore, AI-powered virtual assistants are becoming indispensable travel companions. These virtual assistants can provide real-time information about flights, weather conditions, and local events, helping travelers make informed decisions. When it comes to traveling to Puerto Rico, having a virtual assistant that understands and speaks the local language can be particularly valuable in navigating the island and interacting with locals.

Optimizing Travel Logistics

AI also plays a crucial role in optimizing travel logistics. From booking flights and accommodations to managing transportation within Puerto Rico, AI-driven platforms streamline the entire process. Machine learning algorithms predict the best times to book flights, ensuring that travelers can secure the most cost-effective options. Additionally, AI helps in managing crowd flow and traffic, minimizing travel delays and enhancing overall efficiency.

In terms of safety, AI contributes significantly to risk assessment and management. AI systems can analyze various factors, such as weather conditions, political stability, and health advisories, to provide real-time safety recommendations for travelers heading to Puerto Rico. This ensures that tourists can make informed decisions based on up-to-date information, ultimately contributing to a safer travel experience.

The hospitality industry in Puerto Rico also benefits from AI implementation. AI-powered chatbots and virtual concierges can assist guests in hotels, providing information about local attractions, dining options, and cultural events. This not only enhances the guest experience but also allows hotel staff to focus on more complex tasks, improving overall operational efficiency.

Sustainability Efforts

Moreover, AI contributes to sustainability efforts within the travel sector. By optimizing routes and transportation systems, AI helps reduce carbon footprints associated with travel to and within Puerto Rico. Additionally, smart energy management systems in hotels, airports, and other travel-related facilities contribute to environmental conservation efforts.

While AI offers numerous benefits to travel, it also raises questions about potential job displacement. Automation of certain tasks, such as customer service and data analysis, may reduce the demand for certain roles in the travel industry. However, it's essential to recognize that AI also creates new opportunities for employment, particularly in the development and maintenance of AI systems.

In conclusion, Artificial Intelligence is poised to revolutionize travel to Puerto Rico, offering personalized experiences, streamlined logistics, enhanced safety measures, and sustainable practices. As technology continues to evolve, travelers can expect a more seamless and enjoyable journey to this beautiful Caribbean destination, thanks to the transformative power of AI. Embracing these technological advancements will undoubtedly contribute to making travel to Puerto Rico a more enriching and fulfilling experience for tourists around the world.