Thursday, April 15, 2021

La Brega: Stories of the Puerto Rican Experience


WNYC Studios
Futuro Studios present


“La Brega: Stories of the Puerto Rican Experience”: a seven-part podcast series is very proud to offer this podcast series. This podcast series presents information and background on some of the most important issues and events in Puerto Rico, some sad, some glad and some con mucho orgullo. Each week we will be promoting a new episode. We really enjoyed listening and we hope you enjoy them as well.

WNYC Studios and Futuro Studios present “La Brega: Stories of the Puerto Rican Experience”: a seven-part podcast series.
Available in English and Spanish.

Un podcast de siete episodios que combina elementos narrativos y del periodismo investigativo para revelar y reflexionar sobre cómo “la brega” ha definido muchos aspectos de la vida en Puerto Rico.

Creado por un equipo de periodistas, productores, músicos y artistas boricuas; presentado por Alana Casanova-Burgess

Episode 1. ¿Qué es la brega?

En este primer episodio, Alana Casanova-Burgess nos comparte un ejemplo para explicar que significa para los boricuas “bregar”. Para eso platica con Cheo Santiago, creador y mantenedor de la cuenta de redes sociales “Adopta un Hoyo” y con el escritor y profesor emérito de Princeton Arcadio Díaz Quiñones, quien hace unos veinte años escribió un ensayo muy influyente, “De Cómo y Cuándo Bregar”, donde usa la frase como un lente para entender mejor la experiencia boricua.
Entre hoyos, protestas y metáforas, Alana va encontrando cuanto se guarda en la brega, sus limitaciones y como la esperanza de un mejor Puerto Rico se asoma entre todo eso.

Episode 1. What is La brega?

In the first episode, host Alana Casanova-Burgess sets out to define la brega and to examine what it is. A brega implies a difficulty or challenge that for one reason or another cannot be solved or corrected. You just have to adapt. One such issue that is examined, is the potholes in Puerto Rico roads. This seemingly simple-to-fix issue is a real problem for Puerto Rican drivers and some of the solutions examined are not really solutions at all.  Amidst potholes, protests and metaphors, Alana finds all the meanings that lie within “la brega”, how it sometimes asks too much of boricuas, and how the word has an innate sense of hope. Enjoy this first episode by clicking the podcast link below.

Cast and Crew

Alana Casanova-Burgess, Host
Marlon Bishop, Executive Producer
Ezequiel Rodríguez Andino, Producer

For a full list of the cast and crew that worked on this project - Meet the Team

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